
There is no evidence that the baking powder is not healthy. Quite the opposite :crazy_face:

little story, fitting: a while ago, in a cooking show, a celebrity (known for his nonsense) really sniffed baking powder … shortly afterwards the show had to be interrupted for a short time because the tears and snot ran endlessly …
well, stupid things are sometimes punished immediately :wink:

edit: tiktok doesn’t seem to play directly, but you can use the link
Pocher at Henssler, Baking Soda

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Il problema di questo sito è che ci sono troppo pochi contenuti gay. E quindi quando appare qualche partecipante gay, qualche user nel forum si lamenta. Siamo nel 2023 dove ovunque ormai fanno di tutto per includere qualsiasi tipo di orientamento personale ecc. Tranne che qui. Non capisco che problemi ci sono nel fare una sezione gay dedicata per chi vuole vedere solo quei contenuti. Nei siti porno c’è, uno sceglie, o etero o gay o bisex o altro. Invece no, attualmente un unico posto dove poi salta fuori l’utente che gli da fastidio vedere un uomo nudo o due uomini che si baciano. Possibile tutto ciò? Boh… Ora fa addirittura strano che una coppia come Sebastian e Ariela abbiamo permesso a un gay di entrare nel loro appartamento… sul serio?

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Must be a joke no one now can be homophobic in this age.

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as you see and just a user who complains because there is a gay couple…(I would like to remind you that vhtv already had gay couples on vhtv but they lasted short the reason of course I don’t know)…

it’s not a problem, I’m just amazed that A&S made that choice, and let the bachers give me the full blast again

Would you be amazed if that was straight couple? :wink:

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Deve essere uno scherzo? Sul serio? Vi danno proprio fastidio le coppie gay eh? :rage: :rage: :rage:

don’t resent people who complain means they have s__t brains…

let it be unfortunately we are not all open-brained … :hugs: :hugs:

Hi you all know me and my speculation, here’s one for you all to digest, 4days ago A&S had a landlord visit that evening they announced that they were going on vacation, believe that it was a f___e vacation, by the landlord or vhtv, and that vhtv has placed the said gay couple there for viewing figures

Well your speculation is not right because the landlord is not meant to know the apartment has cameras.

from a user who has always hated ariela we accept nothing…(continue your life away from this apartment)…

always threw s__t on this apartment…

If you don’t like it u can always change the channel and watch a different realm

@Magnus235142 Exactly if you don’t like it you change apartments…

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Another Ariella, just loves a ly- in till late.

He left with his stuff. :cry: :cry: :cry:

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