
When someone insults the Site and me I have a duty to respond 1 time if he continues he is a troll and he will get a yellow card
He or she was speaking 1 time in France using Greek words also


It does not matter if the person who attacks is a man or a woman because disrespect is not exclusive to any gender. This person has already been insulting a participant yesterday.

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Yes You right now
 I Remember AmberHoster But I Don’t remember the Realm

That can’t be. The person’s first posting was only 9 hours ago.
But it is true that she has already insulted one participant in it.


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Now that this troll is blocked, I guess we can get back on topic.

Thanks @kaya :heart: :heart: :heart:


Cozy Saturday afternoon in front of the TV. :heart:


It’s different to troll and different to insult the Site, Participants or members if someone can’t understand the different it’s their problem !!

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He was also talking to Will earlier in the day
arranging to leave? arranging not to leave? arguing? The only thing I learned in this time is that Ariela in the same tone can tell you to fuck off, or talk about the immortality of the crab. :laughing:


Je parcours rapidement les messages et vois ce (cette) ‘clair.’ Je recherche le message en français mais ne le trouve pas je lis ta rĂ©ponse mais ne retrouve plus aucune ‘clair’ (je suppose qu’on vient d’effacer ses messages). Normalement les expressions, l’orthographe, la construction des phrases 
 permet assez facilement de savoir si c’est un français natif ou une personne qui parle français sans ĂȘtre natif ou un traducteur automatique. J’espĂšre que c’est juste une traduction automatique et non non pas un natif. Merci pour les photos qui sont toujours recherchĂ©es. Bonne journĂ©e.


hit the slippers accurately :smile:

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And for Ariela things are not easy
 she lost Sebastian Will has other things to do also It will take time to find one person to be with whoever the person is


Like any relationship that ends, there is grief to go through. No one knows the timing or can determine it in advance.
We viewers are anxious because it’s part of the show’s dynamic that she finds a partner to unleash her fantasies and display her sexual potential and because we saw that Will can fit in (with her and what the show needs).
With Seb’s departure, she has lost much more than we can see and know.
Of course, she’s a woman who will need to clear her head and her heart if she intends to thrive in a long-term relationship.
The important thing is that she can heal and put herself back together.


Sarcastic Cool Cool Cool GIF by StickerGiant
This forum gets worse.

In my experience good looking women usually find fresh cock pretty quickly :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

What seems to be missing from your experience is that for most women the rest of the body and the contents in the head of a man are as important as the cock :grin:


Sometimes it is not enough. The future will tell.


contents of the wallet maybe :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Now i wonder why Ariella does not respond in the forum anymore?