
Are there any new developments in pornographic activities that must not be named here?


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Who knows? Who cares? I can see her here dressed and undressed and she really is beautiful.

Does acting take place in public or in private?
it doesn’t matter at all. My example with Hermione remains


I accept your comparison to world fame. but I could also have named every little-known supporting role…

my comparison remains

btw: amy, is that you again? we didn’t miss you

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Life itself is playing a role. What name do you wear? It doesn’t identify you. This is a TV show and everyone plays it as they want/can. We are spectators who accept or not the rules of the game.
You don’t like what you see? you have the power to change the channel or not to pay your subscription.
Even each one of us has a private “public” life (work, friendships, trips to the supermarket) and an intramural one (when you bathe, eat, s___p and have sex).
As for Ariela’s economy, she is an adult and she will know how to act, that is not our concern.


:dolphin: :blossom: :dolphin:


:blossom: :boom: :blossom:


If you don’t like the screenshot don’t watch


Could @VHTV_James or @kaya please show Amy the exit??


Sounds more like a Karen to me…surrounded by thousands of Karens where I live… :rage:

A karen or a Darren who knows :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

First learn to speak politely and then you can give your opinion You came to a nude site if you don’t like it go watch cartoons !!
He is a troll any way he bought a day to say nonsense

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Even if you mean well, Eros, it is a mistake to respond to posts from this troll. Thanks to the 2-post rule, we can slow him down if he has sent 2 posts in a row and no one responds to them.

Please ignore ALL of these posts from him until VHTV shows him the exit. :heart:


Why do you think it’s her?

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Isn’t it obvious?

Gelten die :-1: als Antwort und durchbrechen die 2-Post Regel? Oder nur echte Antworten?

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No, the emojis can still be given.

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To be fair it doesn’t matter if it is her or not, they are clearly trolling although it seems that is allowed on the forum

I see the Amy paranoia has returned again :rofl:
So anyone who doesn’t have your opinions is a troll eh
You guys really need to get a life or see a shrink i think :joy:

I will check later, but I really doubt she is French