
If they are having anal sex, then that’s something she hasn’t done with her husband Sébastian. What a shame, Seb just let her go, she’s not worth it. Two many men has came and gone since you left to take care of your d______r.

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I dont think they did i had it zoomed in just now and the cock looks too low :rofl:

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So are Sebastian and Ariela still together?

Hmm…from the way she arches her body and the angle of him it would seem so. Or at least that’s what it also looked like to me in round 1 as well, where he had his legs semi-flexed and was very straight.
Anyway, anal or not, they had a great time.
It was good for Ariela to rest :wink:


I haven’t heard a firm yes or no from either of them…
As long as they live separately I would lean towards ‘no’. But whether they will ever live together again is also questionable

Thank you for the information.

From the angle of the dangle i would say no it also looks like he has his thumb in her bum

No anal at all.

Well, it will remain a mystery :woman_shrugging:


Dont think so zoom in and check it out but it’s only a matter of time will is an anal specialist :rofl: :rofl: :pray:

No anal there. Will has tried many times to put his thumb and finger in her ass but like today and in the past Ariela just pulls his hand away. No she is not an anal girl…not yet at least… :stuck_out_tongue:…she has had more fingers in an ass than will has had…shhh… :crazy_face:


She’s a classy lady :rofl: :rofl:


Hay videos de las rondas de hoy porfa?

he sticks his thumb in, he’ll stick his cock in spontaneously :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


scroll back on the time line at the bottom of the screen you can get the last 24hrs

a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do :rofl: :rofl:

Not today but when he does you will hear Ariella scream as he made the young lady at camelias he only thinks of himself
, he b___dy hurt her.


No soy premium, si no no hubiera puesto nada aquí y yo mismo lo hubiera subido

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I have no idea maybe with coins or something i really dont know


anal ganz klar, mit Gleitspray!