
Of course it’s none of our business. In fact, it’s none of our business. Only I meant the principle that they wouldn’t have to move out if they left the project! That’s all.


The sex last night was for a short farewell. i think she won’t come 4 days because of 2 bag. There may be other problems too.


amo queste immagini ed il silenzio dei codardi.

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Sfortunatamente, il silenzio è solo un’istantanea e l’occasione per queste immagini è troppo rara


I think you ment to say that tonight is All Hallows Eve as tomorrow is All Saints Day.


The only interest of having decorated the apartment for Halloween is that the mess in the living room is tidy.
Thanks Sebastian and I’m sorry to see you alone tonight.

A good Halloween to you.

Ciao Bello.

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le adoro ugualmente… mi spiace per chi comunque non apprezza o apprezza istantanee diverse da questa !

I could be wrong, and anyone correct me if that’s so, but as I understand it, VHTV doesn’t rent anything: not apts, not cameras, nothing. VHTV only sells bandwidth so the flats can be online.

The tenants either own their houses outright, like Nina and Kira, rent directly from a landlord, like Marla and Hector (I think) or rent from their managers.

I believe the cameras are supplied by the managers. If you are your own manager, you supply your own cameras.

I hope that’s all correct.

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100% correct :wink:

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Top. Thanks for the detailed info :heart: :+1:

Do any of you more knowledgeable know when Ariela will return?

No and it’s none of our business. Wait and see and in the meanwhile watch other girls.


I think I asked politely, why answer badly? I didn’t offend anyone


That is not answerring badly!! what planet are you from?


I think she has 3 days to return. He has a different behavior towards Ariela’s house comment

Finally, “When Ariela will retirn”? How do you want us to know, turn things over in your head. Be patient and watch. You will know one day!

I’m sorry I brought these reactions out of anyone for asking this question…it wasn’t my intention

Must admit it was rather a curt reply Mr Jabs.
We are often told when others will be returning or on vacation or whatever.

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Sounds like many got out the wrong side of the bed today :wink: