
And what about Ariela and Seb, the only two whose opinions of each other matter? You are placing your own expectations upon them. You fail to understand that what we think of how good a wife or husband they are doesn’t actually matter, we don’t know these people. You may have noticed I didn’t share my opinion of their relationship just that it’s rude and disrespectful for you to judge them the way you have

But you are happy to make comments about other people on different realms?

I will not make another comment as said my bit on the whole issue

For me, a question arises, and I don’t mean it in a bad way. If Ariela or someone else were to think the way they do, wouldn’t you try to defend the people you like? And they like it the way it is. Wouldn’t you also try to defend them?
I have written before that I accept many opinions, even if they don’t correspond to my thinking. As long as it is without insults.

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Are you sure that’s what Ariela herself said here?

Just saying… no answer needed. Thanks :hugs:

I agree with you, you have to take what you like about this site and ignore what you don’t like, regarding endometriosis a diagnostic test, laparoscopy or tissue biopsy would be advisable, but I think it’s a path that they will have to decide on.

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Sorry if I explain it briefly anyway.

And they like it the way it is.

This sentence does not refer to Ariela and Seb. Nor to Ariela’s contribution.
I expressed that incorrectly. It refers to us forum participants. :hugs:

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In the famous words of pop" don’t worry be happy"

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:s___ping: :s___ping:


Dear members of VHTV & especially this Forum
I understand my self that when I am here every day and watch the participants, I get some how very emotionally & spiritually attached to them feel them as my own People
I say this because I feel the same way & even more so when the participants have been at VHTV for several years
Maybe I want them to be what I imagine excite & disappoint sometimes & maybe I make the mistake & I want to express it in the right way or the wrong way
I also made this mistake by focusing more on how the participants dress & where the participants go, something that I can comment on but without using provocative words for the participants
That’s why I also apologized to Ariela & Sebastian even though all these years I appreciated & watched them especially Ariela who is a very beautiful woman.
I express it with the pictures I post . (here I should say because someone wrote that I put the same images, I would ask those who wrote it to post the ones they think & I stop or minimize mine)
I request only one thing everyone to stop this issue here & let them deal with their problems as they wish… I will continue to follow the participants without any comments only Pictures !!
And the last one There is a lot of Hypocrisy in many Realms they comment positively or negatively & while they never watch this Realm they came now here to tell us how we should behave… let them first behave properly in other Realms & then they can give lessons of good behavior to others
PS I would ask some viewers including myself to stop giving advice & diagnoses To Ariela they know what to do they are adults to decide on their Health & they own Life !!
Thank you very much !!



Keep your head up and enjoy life to it’s fullest. You are young and vibrant. What other people think does not make a difference. Bigg Huggs…

Eros, Please keep posting any photo that you think we would like, as well as any comment you feel like making :melting_face:

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I don’t want to continue this discussion because it’s boring just two paragraphs

  1. Every day people normally s___ps. wakes up, takes bath eats food, and probably also has sex. So I can post those things if they do something else i.e. party, dance or walk upside down I will post it and whoever wants to see them OK If they don’t they don’t have to like them.
    2 . Health issues were my opinion because I, as a PhD, am not a gynecologist. If you want to write, I cannot tell you what to do. it concerns You and the participants
    Thank You & have a nice Day !!

Beste @Eros ik sluit mij aan bij bovenstaande vermelding :heart: :melting_face:





I agree the pictures posts @Eros I really like for not only about sex…but he also captures normal pictures like a person eating or watching television etc… :+1:

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