
and an Italian proverb…(when people always complain to the same person every day)…si says that the m____r of these users is always pregnant…(of imbeciles of course)

get well soon. I hope you get well soon and everything goes the way you want.


mi auguro che qualcuno di quei piccoli fenomeni che si sono sempre permessi di avventurarsi in critiche oltre che gratuite anche poco intelligenti, riescano a leggere tra le righe le difficoltà e lo stato d’animo di una donna…se non ci riuscite vergognatevi e smettetla di postare frasi a dir poco vergognose. I hope that some of those little phenomena who have always allowed themselves to venture into criticism that is not only gratuitous but also unintelligent, will be able to read between the lines the difficulties and state of mind of a woman…if you can’t do it, shame on you and stop posting shameful phrases to say the least.

Hope things go well for you. Only ever love for you both.

Don’t feel bad, many of the trolls are keyboard heroes. In public, they would not even dare to address them, because they are too shy. They try to cover up their envy. Maybe also their longings and hopes for love and affection.

You are also not accountable to anyone for what you do outside, if it is OK for both of you, that is enough. Either of you could go to a gangbang party or do escort services every night. It has to be OK for you and not for some troll on the internet.

I’m for ever blowing bubbles

Sorry to hear that sending prayers and hope u start feeling better :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
U and Seb are perfect for each other :heart: u guys
Feel Better Get Well Soon GIF by Lucas and Friends by RV AppStudios


@Ariela. You see how big your fan community is, just here alone in the forum, when you look at the ratings of your contributions. And there are certainly more outside the forum. You can count on this community.

There will always be critics or envious people. Even those who develop flourishing fantasies.
Live your life, regardless of us or those who think they know better.

I like Seb and you. Keep up the good work. Many warm greetings :heart:

vedi sheldon anche stavolta hai perso un occasione per tacerer, ed invece no, hai voluto mettere il tuo pollice verso, foossi in te provewrei a guardare Ariel & Seb con occhi diversi, non con quelli di uno che continua a non accettare il loro modo di vivere.

Good Morning handsome!


Maybe the best thing is for members not to get so involved in the particpants lives, you have no right to do so and should just mind your own business.
Just concentrate on what you see, if you enjoy it then fine, if not just piss off and watch other apartments.
How participants run or organise their own marital affairs has nothing to do with anybody else at all.

:dolphin: :dolphin:




:lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus:


@Sebastian sorry to hear about your illness and hope you recover as soon as possible. You and Seb have always been one of my favourite couples up until Will came into your lives. In our wedding vows we say the words “in sickness and in health” and I take you back to Jul 2023, Seb had real bad issues with his back, I remember him lying on the floor near the door and not moving, some members even commenting was he still alive. However, all you were interested in was spending time with Will as showed here. This continued for a while and I called you a horrible wife which I stand by as in my world we should always stand by our husband/wife when not well. I stopped watching this realm but it appears that you now spend the majority of time at home during the night and hope you and Seb are happy and content. Interestingly on another realm where the man receives lots of criticism, when his wife (not sure if the right term) has a fit he always looks after her. Fellow members I am not a troll but say things as I see them, so don’t bother with any thumbs down you would not do it if Ariela was fat and ugly…


They don’t have the same expectations as you do in a relationship so please refrain from saying things like calling her a horrible wife, it’s very disrespectful

I explained my reasons so don’t respond again thanks

Your reasoning is flawed

Only to you and the rest who wear beer goggles