
VH increased the number of consecutive posts from 2 to 4 around 2 weeks ago. But the rule not to post pictures individually has been around for a long time. You should simply avoid picture walls and instead use the gallery function in one post wherever possible

Of course, this is a disadvantage for someone who wants to distribute and receive likes en masse
 but the rules apply to everyone


Que yo recuerde Eros siempre fue de los que publica de a una foto por posteo. O me equivoco? Es como su marca registrada


yes, he is known for that. and it’s an easy way to get multiple likes
 whatever he want to collect them for (see leaderboard)
But he also has to learn that the rules also apply to him


Although i agree that Eros is a “special” case, there isn’t any rule about not posting pictures individually. It was more a recommendation if i remember right. One which doesn’t make any sense really. In my opinion, it’s worse to post 4 galleries of 12 pictures and maybe a video than 4 individual pics. At least in terms of space occupied and aesthetics


I bow to your vast knowledge pal, should have known there would be a suitable rule somewhere :rofl:

I was part of the discussion back when the topic was acute. By the way, you too :stuck_out_tongue:
but to the chagrin of many, I rarely forget anything :grin:

Don’t remember that i must say also i was not mentioned so i assume i wasn’t in on that discussion. :thinking:

as a little reminder :crazy_face:

According to your post, you were already forgetful back then :rofl:


jabbath1987 have no problem posting what the rules said
 1 month ago VHTV wrote and I’m trying to find it
 They increase the posts from 2 to 4
No one said anything to me just today it’s unfair to blame only me for the posts
But I got over it, have no problem posting whatever the rules are

I just want to know if I can post 2 consecutive or up to 10 in the Gallery Thanks !!

Nothing new there pal, would have lost my head years ago if it wasn’t bloody screwed on :crazy_face:

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All it took was for Ariela to move her hips and ass a little to spark a competition for the best video in the forum and for the local guardians to dictate the rules on how many photos to publish. Unfortunately, long gone are the days when there was more to look at and less to think about and find a way to fill the voids in this apartment. It’s really a shame.


Was still only in one post though so what was the problem?
Didn’t pay much attention to all the other crap as i said i only really looked at that one post.
God knows what the rest was about now. :slightly_smiling_face:

Basically, the problem was that some topics became a collection of individual images, which meant that the overall reading flow in the forum suffered, in favor of extreme wear and tear on the mouse wheel, to put it a little exaggeratedly :grin: in order to compress everything without reducing the amount of information, the gallery mode should preferably be used. This is not a law, but adhering to nettiquette should be in all of our interests. And exceptions to highlight some of these recordings are not forbidden.
some don’t know it, some ignore it unknowingly or intentionally. and sometimes a little reminder is in order


What i do wish members would NOT do is to just post an image with no explanation as to what is happening or even who it is in the image.
I think most of us have no idea as to who is who, especially guests, in many apartments and would be a great help.
I only really follow a handful of apartments where i know most but in all the others, generally, i wouldn’t have a bloody clue as to who is who most of the time.
So a brief explanation on an image would be a very helpful thing to do.


Just for the records 20 Days ago was changed By VHTV from 2 to 4 consecutive posts. Did not came out of my mind !! I Was follow the instructions and I Don’t even posting 4 consecutive just happens 2-3 times usually I post 1 or 2 so please don’t blame me for decisions by VHTV which were confirmed by @kaya Project Team
Please read the decisions & days those was make off

Thank You !!

Logan & Elice - #396 by Alek228242

What competition? I did both of those. Also, if you think that’s the best video in the forum I’ll invite you to check out Nina and Kira, february 25th. Additionally you can visit Julio’s Sexy Video Gallery. You’ll find the link in my profile.

I know, I shouldn’t feed the trolls, but I can’t just pass up such an opportunity for shameless self promotion. :grin:


and this is just an example. What can we say about the 10,000th photo of Ariela in the bathtub, dressing in front of the mirror, cooking, more or less naked in the kitchen, sitting at the table, clothes in a pile in the living room, etc.
The only interest about this images consists in noting that her legs and buttocks are less thin than before, the price of an unbalanced diet and the gymnastic exercises of recent times show an awareness.
Today, boredom is such that some people feel obliged to post photos of the past with Seb or Austin

It’s a fact and no one can deny it.


it was more or less a sarcastic way of saying how much, in my opinion, the content that Ariela currently made available has changed and become flatter and as for those who comment there is nothing else left to do.

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No sigo todos los Realm y solo poco han captado de mi atención por diferentes situaciones. Ahora bien, ¿no todos los departamentos tienen miles de posteos con chicas desnudas en primer plano, mostrando sus “dones” (tetas y culos)? ¿No todos los departamentos tiene fotos de los visitantes que van y vienen, en los cuales se especulan nombres?
Creo que no pasa tanto por el contenido en sĂ­ de este Realm si no en las sensaciones que genera Ariela. En el fuerte movimiento que generaba cuando estaba con su esposo, el contenido fluido y material de debate que dejaba cada uno de su trĂ­os y su dinĂĄmica como pareja.
Eso se perdiĂł cuando Sebastian se fue.
A partir de entonces estamos viendo a una chica independiente, con un cuerpo divino, con un halo de enigma (eso de no responder posteos, no meterse en el foro le añade un plus de misterio de “por quĂ© no lo hace y blabla”), que estĂĄ reformulando las reglas de su realm.
Y son esas reglas a las que tenemos que acostumbrarnos: que ella salga a la hora que sea despues de un baño råpido y furioso, a que tenga relaciones sexuales esporådicamente en el interior de su casa, que muestre lo que quiere y como quiere, complaciendo al espectador cuando se le antoja (puede que no esté posando todo el día para la cåmara pero sabe cómo jugar con ellas).
En ese punto hay que preguntarse: Âżsigo aquĂ­, ajustĂĄndome a lo que ella ofrece y opinando al respecto, o me voy a otros departamentos en los cuales hay fiestas todos los dĂ­as, chicos amontonados en una cama fumando y acariciĂĄndose las piernas o matrimonios que ofrecen su vida tradicional y cotidiana?
En ese punto radica el poder de cada uno de decir: me quedo admirando su cuerpo, su destreza fĂ­sica y sus eventuales visitas masculinas, o me voy, evitĂĄndome ver fotos de su cuerpo tonificado o cĂłmo se duerme en la cocina.
Como siempre, mi humilde - y extensa, lo sé - opinión.


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