Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

Lola will feel today what a dick is :smile:

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Ahahah funny one. She lets Sebastians head explode :joy: :joy:

and true I didnā€™t notice when I took the pictureā€¦ :joy: :joy: :joy:

OMG i love to see this Ariela as usual hostessing marginally underdressed. Otto appreciares it

.In fairness she has shorts on! i hadnā€™t noticed. They are tiny

But i hadnā€™t realised that the the little minx actually put them on in front of Otto.xx


They need to swing this evening

Why need? does someones life depend on it??

Look donā€™t get me wrong, I want to see that too, but to say they ā€œneed toā€ is wrong

the smallest on the beanbagā€¦ no matter how comfortable it is: it looks strange

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Itā€™s great to see Ariela and Lola together againā€‹:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs::hot_face:

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I canā€™t imagine seb fucking lolaā€¦ Itā€™s impossible.

clean up before the fun


that didnā€™t look like a goodbyā€¦ iā€™m counting on a walk or shopping spree in the big city, they wonā€™t be there that often
enough time for ariela to complete the house cleaning ā€¦ and a chance for seb to help make it go faster!


Some would say friends, others would say business partners. :wink:

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The archives would suggest Lola knows what dicks of all sorts of different shapes and sizes feel like.

size, length, diameter ā€¦ all useless if the wearer canā€™t handle it properly :wink:

ı dont know either what are they

well, one thing doesnā€™t exclude the other ā€¦ and the more friends they are, the better for business

You seem to know an awful lot about the shape of different dicks. Are you speaking from experience?

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Not as much as it sounds, but Iā€™ve already experienced the most adventurous things here ā€¦ from <30 seconds to >1 hour there was a lot to choose from in the approx. 10 months Iā€™ve been here :wink: