Ariela (Part 2)


Many thanks, stunning and the locations not bad either.


Bye bye enjoy yourself but don’t work to hard.

What did Ariela write on the two sheets attached to the wall in the lobby at 07.21.2024 - 01:41:50?


July 22

I don’t really understand why she wrote herself such a big reminder :thinking:


i thought it’s the date when andery come back before you say it’s her mother‘s birthday :rofl:

and some photos from the same beach


course it significant for her? )

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of course! but writing such a big reminder only makes sense if there could be a lot of distractions. Andrey’s return, for example… that would actually have to be tomorrow, i think :thinking:


o man… her offline life is so vivid and dense that I fully understand her. She should remember on Sunday that she has a realm)


In my opinion, all of this is only done to make the attention of his admirers who ask themselves existential questions at the slightest gesture.
Isn’t it more effective to put an alert on your phone rather than a sheet of paper hanging on the wall when you look at it 100 times a day ? :slightly_smiling_face:


A mi me llamó la atención que escribiera con acuarelas. O pintura, no con una lapicera. Incluso, pensé “por qué no agendarlo en un celular que tienes 24hs pegado a tus manos?”
No creo que sea para llamar nuestra atención, pero sí me preocupa que necesite semejante recordatorio. No sé, muchas de las acciones de ella me confunden…pero supongo que todos tenemos cosas que a cualquiera podría llamarle la atención de ser observados todo el día.

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Writing with a pen would not have made the message stand out but now it can be seen by who it is intended for, more interesting is the other message placed opposite it for bearman and that one must be intended for a vistor or is there a hidden camera???

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El hecho de tener un papel blanco pegado en un lugar inusual debería ser un llamado de atención, por eso yo no me preocuparía en buscar acuarelas si no solo un medio de escritura.
Pero bueno, evidentemente ella es muy olvidadiza, tiene muchas cosas en la cabeza o necesita llamarse la atención a sí misma con esta clase de recordatorios. Repito, a mi me resulta raro, pero de seguro a ella le resultarian raras algunas de mis actitudes jajaja

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I don’t find anything unusual about this note. I also hang a written reminder on my fridge from time to time. If it’s something I don’t want to forget. Others have several calendars with appointments hanging in their flat.
Of course you can hack everything into your mobile phone. But we all know that there is nothing older than the message or reminder I have just read. It will be a simple reminder.


No hablo de lo extraño de escribir un recordatorio. Sino que es raro tener que recordarte el cumple de tu madre. Y en segundo lugar, escribirlo con acuarela, en una hoja junto a la puerta de salida de tu casa. Solo una observación, chicos. Nada más. No estoy más que hablando sobre lo hablado.


That’s exactly it. Nothing more.


I haven’t learned to read yet, so don’t ask me about this! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :bear:


But at least i get to talk to the pets now i can see them also can look out the window at the cute bear over in the opposite flat.

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