Ariela (Part 2)

How wonderful it is to see Ariela in such a good mood, dancing in joy. Makes me very happy.

@JonR Very nice videos, and wise words on the quality settings. However this is one of the prime examples where I would advocate a vertical video.

See, your resolution is 720x404, when you turn that vertical 404x720 and frame the image to only show Ariela, you’d have 720 pixels in height to portrait her and, for most of the video, could show her in the full resolution of the original stream. The 2/3 of the original image (or more) that you loose are dead canvas, anyway. Though in the editing you have to put in some work to keep her in the framing when she moves through the room.

A vertical video loks just as fine on a computer monitor, when you switch to full screen, but on mobile devices it makes a world of a difference.

Maybe I’ll do a bit of that tomorrow, or mabe not. This event has already been covered very well.

That brings us back to the point where you are much better than me in (real) editing. I know how to get the video and change it so that it works for the forum. A vertical section with a fixed position is no problem, but a vertical section that follows Ariela through the room, for example, is not one of my skills… Since i only work with a tool for cutting, not editing (Avidemux).
I leave that to people like you


Hasta el amiguito de goma cayó en desgracia!


Een echte schande


Wow I never go lower than 2000 if necessary. I usually use 4000 :upside_down_face:

makes sense in normal cases. But if the stream itself only has 1400, even 2000 is too much because it only increases the size of the file without improving anything

this is not CSI, where a bad image from a surveillance camera at an ATM can be used to extrapolate faces in a car’s rearview mirror to a razor-sharp 4k resolution :rofl:

I usually use a preset of improvments on the videos to make them a bit better quality. So it can make sense. :wink:

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it always depends on what the result is intended for… here for the forum, to get an overview, or scenes that don’t necessarily appeal to the “primary target group”, it’s enough. I sometimes sacrifice quality for the sake of quantity. if someone wants to see it in better quality, they can find it in the archive as the original… if more than just ‘bare facts’ ends up there

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…hopefully the beginning of a sorting and better tidying campaign :pray:


You’d need some machinery here for cleaning…maybe an excavator.


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


how about moving these gobble de gook comments to a topic that doesnt fly right over the heads of us more (how shall i say ) more vintage members . i enjoy waking up in the morning to read the psychodelic and surreal comments from this topics regulars , but you have gone onto a whole new level by adding wizardry into the mix
Overthinking Spaced Out GIF by Caroline - The Happy Sensitive


A Lebanese pager maybe :grin:

I know that was an evil one :joy::joy::innocent:

For this you would need more than 20 grams…


Have fun Ariela. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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when a new guy enters the apartments the term guest is used and from a certain point of view it is correct but it is omitted to say that in reality it is a completely different thing… where is the border between voyeur and what we see?
Giving an example of this apartment like others at the beginning both Ariela and Sebastian presented themselves as swingers underlining it several times and it was adrenaline watching them because they did things with great spontaneity today without going into personal merit this girl is anything but… .it’s nice to see her happy like yesterday, God forbid, but then unfortunately there is the need and the choice to throw oneself into situations that in my opinion have nothing to do with the voyeur… but unfortunately that’s how it works here. …

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