Ariela (Part 2)

I thought the picture had frozen but she has actually fallen asleep! :heart_eyes: :sleeping:


Two beautiful flowers. :heart_eyes: :heart:


Awake again! ::hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The B&B is also open again! :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Pretty makeup Ariela


The “slaughter” is ready for collection! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Poor boy is not allowed to see any personal assets and goodies. :joy: :laughing: :rofl:


Interesante momento de timidez…(por qué no cambiarse en el baño?)


Generally speaking I do not appreciate too much shyness at least. :hugs:


Exactly what I thought. :joy: :joy: :joy:

That’s why I put my comment underneath here:


He have seen her naked before this is so dumb. But maye she forget???!!!

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Le dio pudor de golpe? :rofl:

She Wake up after many hrs of dreaming! Ariela we support you when you do the right things and not fucking are brains and decive us, but I forgive you, fucking young boys is not one of them, dream on but nothing changes after, because life goes on work waits and new men is waiting for your pleasure, never fun to taste of your own medicine but that can be good sometimes, maybe you learn something from it but, I don’t think so It´s not in your nature.
You are you and we can´t do anything about it. And thats good be you and nobody else.

Good things come after bad things

I Hope you give your viewers some real adult entertainment from you and not some half figures who take over your apartment for a day a couple that you put together and control in the smallest detail, even if you have guests there!? very strange!? last time when you were away for some day not fun to see we are not easily deceived, but there are those here who think it is good that they have sex at your place and not you, but that must speak for them, not me, anyway help your friend Emily to get her own apartment, but that doesn´t help you so much, and you need to help the homeless, so that might not be on your schedule hehe

Happy too see you smile and you longing for him already the young boy stud we see it, poor thing, but you made shure he have the key, and he can come back faster than the speed of light…and you start to run like 16year old in circles of happiness “dream on and he will come”

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Mammography instruction…


Unless he has a cam in his hand, I would consider it rather being a mammo-examination training. :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

He seems to be a person of “trust” for her. :heart:


This two guys all not that interested with her I thought. They never get horny when they stay together :rofl:

jajaj eso fue un palpado. E incluso, está mal hecho ya que te sugieren que levantes el brazo y te lo cruces atrás de la cabeza. La mamografía es con un aparato que te prensa el pecho hasta que te queda como un papel…
Así que fue una demostración extraña de lo que pudieron haberle tocado.
Para mí que ella le permitió una tocadita para no dejarlo en ascuas jajajajja
(Todo es ironía, excepto lo del control)


She wanted to show him where she felt the knots and how he could find and recognize them…