Ariela (Part 2)

Dont they have live stats of number of viewers watching them?

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Think Los Angeles GIF by ESPN


Ficou bem feita. Às vezes, é preciso um toque ou um choque para gerar mudanças, nesse caso, para melhor espero. É o chamado “tratamento de choque”, para pessoa acordar e olhar no espelho. Sempre funciona.

Yes, they do. We can see some of them checking the stats even when doing “spontaneous sex” lol. They know exactly how much money they made after every “scene”…All those tools given to them, killed the “old Vhtv”. Totally unnatural for a “voyeur site”


Na verdade, todos estão lá pelo dinheiro. O diferencial é quando surge um vínculo que os transformam em um casal. Se por algum motivo há uma separação a coisa fica complicada. A reação delas ou deles e que faz a diferença, foi assim com Arina, Rosa, Gina, Henry e até o próprio Will, que ficou dias trancado no apartamento quando Rufina o deixou.

I’ve noticed that the atmosphere here in particular is quite tense.

On the one hand, some people want the most natural apartments possible, but on the other hand they complain if the sex doesn’t happen with the vagina perfectly aligned with the camera.

Assumptions are made about the profits and financial circumstances of participants and possible lives outside of the cameras.

I have the feeling that some people think that the participants should be like animals in a circus. Any requests should be dealt with immediately and in full ….


There are evaluations; depending on their rights, apartment users may also have access here.

As a rule, the participants have agreements with the managers and these vary greatly, from flat-rate payments to “performance-related” payments, whereby the manager defines success.

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Por acaso o Sr. está comparando todas às pessoas que ganham seu dinheiro com “Life” a animais de circo ? Alguns apartamentos os participantes fazem contatos com seus assistentes e atendem seus pedidos, e o Sr. os está comparando com animais de circo ? Dê uma olhada nos apartamentos, isso é trabalho que a maioria defende seu sustento com ele e não merecem serem comparados com animais.


I fucking preferred this apartment to be like it was just a short time ago.that no one is ever home so people go and break the balls of other apartments…

there are people who would have given their lives for great flora not knowing that she is a manipulator instead…and one who liked in your comment continues to see her as a goddess…

Você por acaso sabe, por quê ela fez life no apartamento dela ?

you see two measly cameras and you have the nerve to know everything…

Ariela has been on VHTV since February 2022. Along with Sebastien they have lived as a couple with a rather non conventional life style at times. Due to the toxicity of some of the members Ariela withdrew from participating on the forum.

Also due to the actions of Putin Ariela and her friends and guests are living in a scenario that we can’t comprehend due to the threat level posed by Putin’s actions. With the possibility of being drafted into the Military. Just enjoy what we can see on the streams.


Of course you do but I won’t tell you… (I’m not allowed to do that)…

Better than this answer what more do you want … :+1: :100:

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to many fucking imbeciles on this forum now , every topic gets invaded by the same group of fukwits with no other intention than to cause conflict , i used to think it was a cultural clash , but then thought nah , there just cunts with nothing better to do with themselves , so now i just ignore them ,


Absolutely he was behaving and I thought he was something for her but no man, after seeing him a week no, no, no, have nothing against him but hes not a man for her but that is my opinium, if you not agree thats your thing, she need a good nice man that can bring her back to reality again, that can give her something more than a hard dick and fucking under the sheet like a 16 year old girl its pathetic,
With the thought that she is an extreme exhibitionist and attention seeker.
she have what she want there she is now, but it´s her choice what have he done today that will satisfy a human being nothing just waiting for her in the bed, Ariela working for money and he can´t compete with that so I think he went back home but that is guessing, and that will make her sad but she will meet him on the outside that´s not a wild guess she going away and let her girlfriend Emily have sex when she is away. That if he has a home maybe he lives with his parents, So he gonna sneak Ariela in his boyroom that is a adventure for here as any, not,
I think she can not just leave her work she get in ttrouble. Maybe they meet at Bo´s apartment
And the most stupid thing that a guy can do is waiting in an empty apartment for a girl that working day and night different times never now when the phone calls or sms calling for her. .

As mesmas câmeras miseráveis que a maioria dos participantes fórum assistem, mas, vou te lembrar: A primeira life ela estava muito doente precisou se ausentar e ficou sem dinheiro para continuar o tratamento, na qual foi ajudada pelo dennis e um casal de amigos. Na segunda, a mais recente, foi o Dennis que estava passando por dificuldades e ela mobilizou um grupo de amigos para ajuda-lo. Viu, não são animais, são seres humanos e solidários.

if you start you I foresee a war on the forum that never ends… :wink: :joy:

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oh believe me the ammunition is kept upto date and ready ,just incase :wink: :wink: