Ariela (Part 2)


Ariela You Are Amazing !!


El chico nro. 3 (el que estĂĄ entre el chico#1 y el chico#2) es nuevo?

Mientras tanto, en el living


I am way better at reqognising the men in here than I am at reqognising the women. How can that be the case, huh? :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Det kan man jo sÄ kun spekulere om. Men hold da op en sÊbe opera i den her trÄd

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Hva skulle vi gjort uten litt skikkelig sÄpeopera gÄende her inne da? Det hadde blitt litt for kjedelig for noen her inne da tror jeg. Men jeg gjÞr det jeg kan for Ä holde meg mest mulig unna den mest intense sladderen. Det gjÞr jeg faktisk. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


I suppose you’re right about that
 Don’t really follow this apartment tbh
 It’s a bit to boring to begin with
 Men det er sa vildt i denne trĂ„d (translater friendly), sĂ„ mange der debatere hendes liv
 Som ikke kender hende og aldrig kommer til det
 Men jeg er ogsĂ„ pĂ„ den dĂ„rlige side, sĂ„ fanboy no


Totally wrong my friend. We’re only paying (always) to get access to the payed cams (unlock them), nothing more. Which, we always get


Jeg fÞlger ikke sÄ mye med pÄ akkurat denna leiligheten her. Jeg har faktisk slutta med Ä fÞlge systematisk med pÄ noen leiligheter i det hele tatt overhodet. Det gjÞr jeg ikke lenger. Det gjÞr at du kan forholde deg litt roligere til saker og ting og dermed fÞlge med pÄ det fra et mer nÞytralt stÄsted. Det gjÞr det lettere. :heart_eyes:


Det er nok en sund holdning, at ha’ til det
 Og det har jeg ogsĂ„ IMO. Men det er jo bare absurd, at lĂŠse i den der trĂ„d. Men som sagt, jeg fĂžger ikke med og er ligeglad, sĂ„ det gĂ„r nok alt sammen :grinning:

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Jeg har faktisk ingen problemer i det hele tatt med Ä fÞlge med pÄ og skjÞnne den dansken du skriver. Faktisk sÄ skjÞnner jeg alt du skriver om i den siste meldinga di her aldeles helt strÄlende uten noen som helst problemer med det i det hele tatt. SÄ det er bare Ä fortsette med det dersom du vil det sjÞl. Det er ikke noe problem for meg. PÄ dansk altsÄ. Det er faktisk gledelig Ä se og observere for meg selv og min egen del. :heart_eyes:

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It would be an understatement to say I understand what you just said, without the use of the translator, which obviously sucks, but I guess we understand each other??? Ja, det gþr vi jo tydeligvis
 Til en vis grad anyways

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Is everyone scared away? I understand that very well. But if it is not the hiding place on the balcony, then there is the light in the living room. Always one or the other! :rofl: :heart_eyes:


Amphibians amphibiousing. :wink:


I hope I didn’t see what I thought I saw cauple of days ago then I’m sorry if this is true i hope it®s not but only time will tell

have seen some younger guys and girls start using this drug poppers in their relationship as a numbing effect for hard sex those who use it often and much can become addicted and are a gateway to heavier drugs such as party drugs as extacy, cocaine, and crystal meth, amphetamines, Heroin
Poppers: Side Effects and Dangers of Amyl Nitrate it was from the beginning a heart medicine

These “party drugs” are typically made with amyl nitrite or a similar substance. People sniff nitrite vapors to get a fast feeling of euphoria or muscle relaxation, often during sex.

Why do Boys/Men use poppers? Poppers have been a popular party drug in the gay and queer community since the 70s

Why do Girls/Women use poppers? The drugs not only give you a brief high feeling but also can relax the muscles in your anus and vagina, which can make penetrative sex more comfortable and pleasurable. Many girls use poppers working in the sex industri dancers/strippers, prostitutes and Escort Girls.

Many people take poppers before sex to increase pleasure. The orgasm is said to be more intense, it can help you relax if you are going to have anal sex, and the emotional impressions are said to be more intense.

Some are also looking for the kick you get when you take it. As a short but intense binge, you could describe it as. Dancing Ok Cooking food strange

What happens when you take it?
The blood flows up into the head and down to the genitals, the brain becomes a little foggy and you can get a pounding sensation in the head.

Purely medically, poppers give a quick and strong blood vessel widening effect when you inhale it in the nose. The effect is immediate, but also short-lived, the “rush” lasts for a few minutes.The drugs not only give you a brief high feeling but also can relax the muscles in your anus and vagina, which can make penetrative sex more comfortable and pleasurable.
Never tested it donÂŽt need too itÂŽs a drug. This drug is for weak people.

ja hÀr finns visst alla nationaliteter

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Falsch! Sie bekommen das zu sehen was ihnen die Teilnehmer anbieten. Wenn ihnen das nicht gefÀllt ist es ihr Pech.

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Thank you for this unprompted drug advertisement, you managed to list all the selling points.

Poppers are more prevalent than condoms in all these apartments.

Oh, and it’s tolerated by VHTV.

ItÂŽs people like you who fall for these drugs! what are you then??
If you don’t understand the seriousness of the drug then you have to read once more wrote that it is for weak people who cannot resist.