April & Tima

its very violent another people will no stay in vhtv

If the man had not defended himself, it could have ended in tragedy

she stry to stabb him with a forg but someone know what happen why they fight

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Unfortunately I don’t understand the language, someone who understands the language can explain

i see the video the girl start to be crazy and kick him

Gracias por el video, estoy de acuerdo, el hombre solo se defendió en este caso, si ella hubiera parado, creo que también el lo hubiera hecho, y realmente como hombre, si hubiera querido, ante la gravidad de las acciones de la chica, el podría haber hecho mås, y no lo hizo

hi hope everything is fine with your frien who fight another question why you left the project

The man must have said something to the girl that he didn’t like, that’s clear, but then the girl went crazy

not sure we will see them again

I hope not

if they stay together after what happen and if vhtv allow them to return

It was very sad what happened, Vhtv has to take action, they are at the beginning and this has already happened, clearly the two cannot continue together, and I would advise the girl to get treatment, I hope they don’t continue in the project

Volvieron a estar en línea no se si en tiempo real, pero en el caso del chico no podría dormir hay si entiendo que ella lo pueda apuñalar mientras duerme, ella necesita ayuda tratamiento psicológico espero que abril se vaya.

Si no fuera por Schuyler y Conor , podrĂ­a haber terminado en tragedia, la chica no parecĂ­a querer parar SĂ­ , necesita tratamiento, el arrancĂł una cĂĄmara con sus nervios, pero es comprensible en este caso, mejor desquitarse con la cĂĄmara, que con la chica

I hope Schuyler y Conor he spends the night on watch in the flat.

she is now with her

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I am preparing some a beautiful images, of the wonderful night of sex between Schuyler & Conor, I will publish in Schuyler & Conor apartmente, Schuyler had 3 orgasms, also had images of the other couple, but because of what happened, does not deserve to publish anything

Schuyler & Conor were supposed to stay in the apartment tonight, inexplicable leaving at this point

affraid of her lol

Sad, at the very least I could apply other adjectives, but I’ll stop there