April & Tima

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She has been in a few things but the one I remember the most is X-Men First Class.

No that is May


Guests are visiting.

I’ve only just realised Schuyler & Conor who are visiting have left the project.

I thought I recognised them, in the pictures!

Never saw that coming, a pity, I really liked them, Schuyler in particular of course. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Всем привет, решили заехать к нашим друзьям, они переживают первые дни так решили их поддержать


Привет, жаль что вы нас бросили, буду по вам скучать, Надеясь что вы еще вернетесь :wink:

Que sucede por que april y tima están a los golpes en la habitación.

That was one hell of a fight they just between those two. She actually tried to stab him with a fork. Those were some pretty vicious blows to each other. That is the first time I saw a fight this intense on VH-TV

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Es una lástima con lo que sucedió, seguro ustedes no querrán volver más después de la pelea de esos 2.

Si yo también, de hecho vi que ella comenzó todo ella intento apuñalado, sentí que el solo se defendía de los golpes de la chica por que el como hombre podría haberla golpeado mucho más y no lo hizo.

She took thing off their night stand and was hitting him with them hard, and punching his back, I think she got him in the neck too. Good thing the others were there to kind of break them up.