Apartments totally wasted

The fact that any of my answers can cause you an extremely negative reaction, I already understood. Of course, we are doing everything wrong, and soon the project will die, drown, turn into s__t, etc. You know better how things are.

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That last part isn’t true. They can’t do d__gs on cam or commit acts of violence. Frequently even the semblance of those 2 get the apt shut down and I presume fines imposed. A tenant can’t hold a cat over a lot of boiling water and say if I don’t get x views the cat gets it. There are many ways that the tenants behavior is limited.

But, the issue at hand isn’t that so much as this part where you told waldi that “these changes are on the way” in response to his idea that there should be a higher threshold for being able to stay on the site or face expulsion. What changes do you propose to higher the threshold that isn’t you essentially and for all intents and purposes pushing the tenants to behave differently then the would in the normal course of their real life?

You seem to want to say in one corner of your mouth that you want tenants who would do it on their own, but then in the other corner of your mouth you seem to be suggesting that you plan an incentive for them to behave differently then they would have normally. So, which is it? Real life as it comes naturally let the chips fall where they may or is it an enhanced life filed with some form of incentives from vhtv and the manager? And now with what appears to be a threat of expulsion if they decide to be too lazy and non-compliant.


Occasionally listen to subscribers. The numbers are not deceiving:

All these things are just in your head. What I said and what we are doing has nothing to do with what you said.

Of course, still, as I said - everything is bad, life is pain. I sincerely sympathize with you, but I can’t help you.

There you go again picking on me instead of answering the question. Don’t worry about me, I am perfectly fine despite the voices in your head telling differently.

I do not worry about you at all, your inner world is only your problems. But I don’t see any questions in your posts.

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What did you mean when you said what you said to Waldi? That is the question.

But notice, this is the question you asked now. Before that, you argued (basically that we are doing everything wrong). I meant that before we only had one aspect of statistics, and the participants learned to farm this aspect. Now we have done more aspects of statistics, and we can balance them among ourselves, which will allow us to encourage more interesting and varied content.

You sure do like to put words in mouth and impugn my character. I’m trying to be civil here and make my points and arguements. I appreciate your willingness to respond, but your attitude toward me and other people here with different ideas and points of view is it not very conducive to a thoughtful discussion. You become defensive very quickly and assume the worst and then use that as an excuse to not really answer the question at hand. Your responses come across like a baseball bat. It is because I say it is, so there, now shut up you crazy person, is not really a great way to treat your members. Clearly you need yes men to rub your ego. You don’t want a forum, you want a club of like-minded underlings praising you.

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Ask questions and get answers. You don’t ask questions, anything other than that. Well, everything that you wrote is just as if you looked in the mirror while doing this, sorry.

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Yay! More Amy3 bashing. Lovely!

I personally love Stephanie’s cam. I wish they could work out their personal issues soon. Can’t wait to see Aisha again. Thanks from a loyal subscriber!

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I like the girls, Aisha is gorgeous. And they have the best shower cam from all project To bad that sometimes Stephanie have some bad temper

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On the contrary, you have good statistics. And it’s shame that with 8 million visitors, interesting, diverse, active apartments were opened (yes, webcams and lazy people too, but they not dominate), parties and events were held. 12-14 million visitors - mostly low-level apartments are being opened. And this is not summer problem. This is 1.5 year trend. While it would be possible to stimulate something more with more resources, bright and active participants with large demands and motivation could earn a lot.

I have to be objective - in last days spent several parties. However, mainly from participants who played Đ„box or lay on sofa for 2-3 weeks.

I am personally for diversity. Yes, I will not watch webcams. Or participant who plays computer games all day. I’ll just switch the apartment, I have no hatred or demands to close them. But when situation is - there is nowhere to change the channel. Nothing happens day to day everywhere. I just won’t pay money.


You write as if you pay-pay, pay-pay, and we do s__t, and you, such - well enough, I will not pay them any more. But you never paid. Can you judge the project, it turns out, only by free cameras? Can you give me one reason to listen to someone who is not our user? The system is designed in such a way that paid users vote with their money what they want to see. If the revenue decreases, we understand that we are doing something wrong. If it rises, we understand that we are great. And free users do not influence the project in any way.

I slept, I come, and then @anon11413635 hits the wall and shouts “save me, they are bashing me!”. Nothing new.


I think you need to get out more :0)

VHTV is lazy and cheap. They won’t invest in finding new managers and clearly the ones they have are cheap and are only willing to pay for this level of talent. The managers have mostly dried up their sources into the lot you have now. Mostly it’s a trickle down approach where they find someone and then they b___d that person’s aquatintances until they hit the end of the line. They hunt for gold, but for the most part, they only find fools.


I love you too. :kiss: