Amelie & Lucas (Part 1)

Sorry, but that camera was never meant to be free. There was a site error that made it available for a few days.

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Yes occured. Cam 12 was wrongly addressing to Cam 13. Cam 13 wrongly addressing to Cam 14 and Cam 14 wrongly addressing to Cam 11. If viewers isnā€™t blind or with bad motives that was clear on cams list

False. Was a problem on VH system that wasnā€™t even on their hands to change/fix

False. The camera was badly addressed and creating issues on Realm8 and on Archives of Realm8. Besides ā€œstealingā€ directly money from tenants pockets

Thanks, Sparkles. Saved me the effort of explaining. :smiley:

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I am hoping Amelie will give us the exact date for the swinger party with Olivia & Adam then we can just subscribe again ahead.

I think Iā€™ve met her. (the cow w pleasing tongue).

I disagreeā€¦ Although the camera may have been wrongly addressed i think that having the camera covering the sofa was a very good idea to attract new subscribers.

I am not a Subscriber but i will be when pay day comes around just for the fact of seeing the sofa camera interested me in this realm and the participants.

Having 2 cameras in a ream both looking at a small kitchen will not attract anyone to subscribe and view that realm, unless of course they have a fetish for kitchen appliances.

A new viewer to the site scrolling through the realms will not stop at a realm that only shows a kitchen but will stop at a realm { and potentially subscribe } if they see a pretty girl laying on a sofa.

VH loses money NOT because the camera was badly addressed before. they lose money by NOT having camera where new viewers to the site can easily see the participants.

I say keep bedroom and bathroom cams private for subscribers only but open up all other cams to attract viewers, AND subscribers


And freeloaders will say ā€˜ā€™ Fuck with paying when I can watch for nothingā€™ā€™ It can attract new viewers but can also not.

As a previous subscriber for a few years and now not, I would agree with both arguments. It does attract the freeloader who in some apartments will see all of the ā€˜actionā€™ but maybe not at the best placed cam and it also would attract new people coming to the site to subscribe.

My suggestion would be something similar to RLC where the free views have a time limit each day.


I agree, just when itā€™s about to get hot cut the feed :rofl: :rofl:

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How do you know that? This realm now won best apartment poll two times in a row so it canā€™t be so bad. Huh?

So you have access to the statistics of that place? :stuck_out_tongue:

Apparently the way it is now it worked pretty well for this place. The only ones complaining now are the freeloaders :stuck_out_tongue:

Spoken like a true freeloader :grin:

Any idea with what could premium complain?

No i donā€™t have the statistics for that realmā€¦ And neither do you.!

The fact it has won best apartment 2 times in a row only means fan boys like you will jerk off to anything { even kitchen appliances } If it means getting your favorites to win.

Calling people freeloaders just because they want a preview of what a place is like before they invest there money into it helps no one,

In fact that is the kind of elitist bulls__t that infests most sites like this ā€˜ā€˜I pay for it therefore i am better than other viewers / contributers to the forumā€™ā€™ And drives away healthy debate,

I agree with mose101384 in having a time limit to some cams 5 minutes for example of free viewing of a certain cam. to encourage people to watch and if they enjoy to subscribe,

Yes you would get people that only watch for free, But you would also get people like me who saw the ā€˜ā€˜sofaā€™ā€™ cam for example liked what he saw and will be subscribing, YES i in your words ā€˜ā€˜freeloadedā€™ā€™ for a day or so. but they are getting a sub out of me for it so who loses ?


yes, but if a camera is free for 5 minutes and the participant is sorry for 3 hours, who will not monitor at all in his apartment and will not make a subscription, no one will simply close the apartment in 10 days. action

and if you have seen in the living room, it is not onlyfree, but also other cameras for subscribers, so no one loses money

Mas threesome y menos camaras. Amelie te quiero

I am one of the ā€œā€ā€œFREELOADERSā€""" , and i am pretty sure that if you make it as difficult as possible for them/us to watch, VHTV will come to a standstillā€¦ they make a pretty penny from the streamingā€¦take it away and the subscription price will most probably riseā€¦ if they do not pass this passive income on to the realms, it is on themā€¦ but the realms get exposure because of the free camsā€¦and that exposure is what keeps them hereā€¦

i like it when there is more to see, but strangely, i do not watch for nudity or sex, but rather for the interaction between peopleā€¦ to me, sex and sexual contact is only a small percentage of our day to day interaction as human beingsā€¦so if you take away the free cams , i will find somewhere else to observe peopleā€¦ reading this forum is most of the time enoughā€¦ there are pictures, videos , constant bickering between members , gossip ā€¦ interesting POV discussions, memes, gifsā€¦ even face palmsā€¦ it is a microcosm on its own ā€¦ and funnyā€¦

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:+1: :+1: :+1:

:+1: :+1: :+1:

season 4 starz GIF by Outlander

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