Amelie & Lucas (Part 1)

She is gone

:astonished::scream::sweat::disappointed_relieved:Will he return tonight? does anyone knows

Will it make any difference? :rofl:

You don’t have to keep stoking the fire

You can’t take Rob’s main job away from him. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Whenever Tanya is present, that is the best ASMR apartment … You can s___p in … :s___ping: :s___ping: :s___ping:

I am one of those who thinks that Tanya looks more relaxed alone with Amelie than with Lucas’ presence and I am sure that sooner or later we will see the two of them alone together, if only for a question of money. I imagine them aware that there is expectation of seeing them together and of the economic benefits that a lesbian session would bring them. They are on VTH for money and they will not give it up. Patience that will happen.

Yesterday started very promising, there was a good atmosphere and they seemed all three very relaxed with each other… But unfortunately that stupid movie took away everything… Tanya was tired and hard to seduce to do something afterwards… She let it go but wasn’t willing to do much more than she did… Seems Tayna is girl with a ‘normal’ day program and making it so late during the week is not her thing… so please, please stop turning on a stupid movie where the girls have no interest in… Or just turn it on much earlier or just go to s___p afterwards!!!

Stoking what fire? Just a smouldering ember I think :joy:

Does anyone know if tanya will come today?

Odds probably yes. Seems to come about every other day. Has to keep mommy& daddy happy too :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:



looks like they are going away for a break or is it just Lucas ?

Lucas is preparing the backpack for a night of survival while leaving the two girls home alone. :partying_face:

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only one bag for a couple ? Don’t you know woman’s needs ? :wink:

Lucas always goes out with that backpack.

survival training ? :wink:

Let us dream :grin:

And when you wake up, the sheets will be all sticky :s___py:

The plastic bag on the couch looks like food. Today he s___ps in the park :rofl: