Amelie & Lucas (Part 1)

A narrow escape! :laughing: :laughing: :smirk:

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Now she plays the house keeper instead of lover :wink:

Am i old fashioned but after 10 times to toilet and foreplay last night,Tanya should get her arse in the shower in case Amelie is on her way to smell nice for her

No showern no food, it is a good day starting !

I am wrong, there is salt to eat ! Oh the good owners !

@frog14 they dont offer Tanya much in that way food and even water.they need to give her energy pills and get the show going

Leaving alone without food, this girl deserves a real good fuck tonite ! :sunglasses:

they should be on steak,caviar,salmon etc on money made from us hangers on

Well, if she is not eating, i will ride away !

im off out to pub with ex workmates now, so hope nothing happens for 6-8 hours which is normal i suppose

have a lager for me , mate !

@frog14 only _____ dark beer but thanks and i will have one for you

so a guiness then !

john smiths or Tetley if possible ,catch you later


I think the same as you. And that has nothing to do with my fantasizing about seeing Amelie and Tanya alone, it’s a matter of reality that has been brought out over and over again.

All thats lacking now is the Big Top and a ring with all the viewers filling the seats with anticipation :rofl:

I don’t understand why some off you keep wishing that Lucas parts so Amelie can have her way with Tanya. Maybe A&L have decided that they want to involve other people in their erotic life but that they only want to do that together, as a couple?


anyway, for me nothing will change, as I only follow this eventual and possible threesome, in the replay. Just yesterday I used the replay for 3 minutes, passing it forward, seeing that they didn’t even change position. I found everything very boring as always and that was it. I don’t follow them live.

The little I’ve realized is that Tanya is almost being f___ed to have Lucas in bed, she doesn’t even look at him right, runs away from his kisses. For me being a man is something embarrassing. If it happens to me I leave the two of them alone in bed. But this is something personal of mine.

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I can’t see if tanya is gone