Amelie & Lucas (Part 1)

Tanya has already adopted the position that she will hold for the next 4 hours.

Lucas, go to the living room to see a movie. :pray:

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Or better yet, the complete Harry Potter saga

Amelie seems to be encouraging him to lay between them! Will never work of course! :smiley:

Tanya has taken off her socks, 
 she is letting go :rofl:

It’s what I say, Amelie is not crazy to fuck Tanya with the game of caresses and kisses has enough.

I missed that! - now you’re talking :rofl:

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prochainement ils vont éteindre la lumiÚre et regarder un film ou une série

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impossible wuy he don’t stay with hi friend for a evening and c back later no he can’t amelie is very happy to play his stupid game

It’s funny to see how everyone is a porn director here :sweat_smile:

Amelie is the culprit that this does not advance, it has no interest. Lucas wants and Tanya if Amelie were to go for her with determination she would surrender.

You can’t even imagine the amount of scripts we have in our brain. :laughing:


Ah well if Tanya is here must be time to switch apartments :rofl: Thank god for the time line so you can miss all the crap tease, in other words the whole night :rofl:

I have to get up early tomorrow so I’m not going to stay long either. The difficult thing will be tomorrow to distinguish between the video of Friday and the one of Sunday because they will be identical.

this is all an elongated plot, if they really wanted to finish it, just two things were enough: 1-Lucas takes a 2 hour walk, 2-Amelie goes to Tanya who alone with Amelie won’t dodge at all. But no, why do the obvious. What they want is to make a soap opera to gain views, I only follow them through the replay if something in fact is worth happening. so you guys here will let me know

I still think that the problem is that Amelie does not have a special desire to fuck Tanya alone, I am sure that if it were like that Lucas would disappear for a while but even if he does, nothing will happen because I repeat, Amelie does not want to take that stepIf I did, Tanya wouldn’t reject her, I’m sure.

Looks tasty :star_struck:


that she has no desire is evident, however, she is a professional and does it when Lucas is around, so if she really wants to, she does whatever she wants with Tanya’s pussy. But then it would be anticipated to chapter 78 of the plot. hahahah

Of course, the economic issue is the other issue and obviously lengthening it favors them in that sense but I think that aside from that is the fact that Amelie does not have a clear need to fuck Tanya, the game of caresses with Lucas to her side is already fine for her.