Am I missing somethig?

When I first came to this site there used to be loads of activity in the apartments but lately just seems like everyone sits around twiddling their thumbs. I log on most nights have a look through the apartments then just get bored and leave, is it just me or am I missing something? I then go through the HD clips gallery and find that more entertaining than the live cameras.

I miss the days of Ary and George, Hugo and Beverly, Jennifer and Bradley and some of the others, esp when guests were around, maybe its time to have a break for a while and come back in a few months.

Just wanted to know if anyone else is not feeling the love at the mo.


You are not missing something. All the good parties are gone at the moment. No apartment doing any of good parties these days. Just boring meetings with nothing happening.


Thank god for that I thought maybe it was just me. A few of the apartments are to young and do not seem to be doing anything, nice if they could bring in some more mature party couples that are open minded and know how to have fun.

Well to be fair we have to say all the crazy and cool parties never were in more than three or at best five apartments we had on the site at same time. Right now we are missing a lets call it “prime apartment” where we have action and crazy parties and we also find good participants among the guests. Melissa & Sergios place (realm53) was such a place for a long time, earlier we had Nina & Alan and of course not to forget Anna & Alex. Without these three places 80% of the cool parties on the site would have never happened. So what I am going to say is one extraordinary cool place can change everything around again. But at the moment we are really in a very dry period :upside_down_face:

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I also miss the three you mentioned especially Ary and George they argued like hell but they were great to watch

I also noticed a lot less of activity … maybe COVID ?

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Nope. Last year there was also COVID and it was better. Not as good as 2019 but way better than this summer. I do not remember any great party we had this summer…

Agreed, the fact that even Hugo & Bev became superboring the second time they were there makes me think that covid makes people not wanna fuck guests anymore… Maybe Russia got some covid laws that I dont know about, idk… But for sure people are not delivering fun parties anymore.

I do not think COVID is the reason. Just too many loafers and boring people at the moment.

Yea you’re right about the loafers and boring ppl… And since people keep watch the loafers and +7 it doesnt look like it will get better anytime soon. We’re surrounded by people with low standards unfortunately.

Tell you what your missing some milfs… too many young ones :rofl:

to many parties in the bathrooms(LOL) the smoking lounge I miss young Vals place she always had her gfs over and you never knew what to expect

No, there is no rule not to have parties at home. There was such rule only in April and May 2019.

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From my point of view, it is incorrect to consider participation in VHTV as a full time work. In real life, people usually visit university or office, they are not at home 24/7. But some participants (for example, Anita) and managers mistakenly believe that participation is a full-time work. As a result, they “burn out” and get bored and boring.

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Well at least you got to see the bathrooms. That’s all I m wanting but I’m not going to pay for something like this