
I think this guy doesn’t care about her except,excuse my French ,her ass , Once he gets her laid , he will damp her 90% it’,s the case with this kind of guy

Again mission incomplete. I think the guy minds the camera’s.

The average Caucasian man? And what about white men who date black women? Or does that not count?

What you mean by “this kind of guy” ?

Racial doctrine has nothing to do …

If you closely followed this apartment, she does not really like neither Caucasians nor Russians, as you can see, she likes African Americans.

It can’t matter if they only had sex once and both had fun.

Even if he may be happy inside that he has fucked the best Russian from Russia. He is a guest and there are no dependencies if she does not s___p with him.

You know well that is unusual ,

Yep the camera’s are putting him off, don’t think she minds…

This kind of guy has a warrior psychology that means while he s___ps with a white girl , he wins an award against European guys , you know I live in a big city , I often see them how they behaviour while she date a French girl , especially by car ,

if you turn off the light, it will be a black cat in a dark room :wink:

You either act like you are a racist, or you really are one. You have come to the wrong place. This is an international website and forum. Racism won’t get you anywhere with us.


When I was drafted , I bumped into a racist afro carrabean guy

Freedom of speech sir agree to disagree

Ummm nope and racism will not get no one anywhere

don’t worry, we have a bunch of guys like that in France. Right now, it’s fashion. of course they are not racist … :smirk:

Gotcha ! Someone has all understood you have right words

Sorry this is all mindset: When we desire a person, we are always on the “hunt”. If I win a woman for myself, I have won her over for myself and not “snatched away” someone else.

Now you could say the woman only goes out with him, since he drives a 120.000€ car and has no money worries. Then you would be with the evil white man like me.

But where did the black man with status show off here? He did everything about kindness and wit.

Racism you have only this word to your mouth

Tu m’as eu ? Ah bon… tes propos semblent tendancieux. J’ignore où tu vis mais sans doute pas à Neuilly et j’ignore quel genre de voiture tu conduis mais certainement pas un Benz. C’est peut être cela qui tu donnes une certaine vue de l’esprit. Je vis en France comme toi, je connais aussi bien que toi les problèmes que nous rencontrons . Mais là tu portes un jugement sur ce que tu vois sur ton écran et qui ne se passe pas en France. Ne mélanges pas tout. voilà je te dis cela sans aucune animosité.