
A tenant is dying right now in the living room.

This was a epileptic seizure.

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Thank you for your reaction. Our monitoring team was notified at the same time and now the participant is now taken care of.


Not to sure about seizures or whatever but this lady has to be the biggest tease on site four times she invites him to her bed 1st night he got nipples 2nd night he got a bare bum 3rd night he got her trousers off 4th he got her white knickers off , then plays with herself whilst still not letting him near the goodies , is this guy a saint ? directly he leaves & she gets the dildo out . Bet shes first to cry rape if he takes command , she like a reborn virgin

I was thinking that he must be a masochist to put up with this torture.

У Саро какие то проблемы, по женской части, жалко девушку, видно, что она делает процедуры, свечи, и.т.п Мой ей совет купить обычную спринцовку- грушу, и спринцеваться настоям трав, ромашки или календулы…

Are you gynaecologist?

скажем так знаю много в этой области…А девушку жалко видно, что мучается…

She prefers to sit on a dildo than on a real penis


51 What is the name of the woman with the cap. I followed her for 3 weeks when she was also in the apartment, she had taken a bath one single time, is she allergic to soap ;)??


She is Nelly. Participant of the now closed VoyeurVilla project. She is a bit shy now but she has already taken showers here. (Very quick ones) :joy:

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This was very intense &hot leading to the finally the sex She gave in very hot moments between these two. Hope it was worth it for both :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: She’s a hottie!


Let’s hope to see this in archives

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I am sure it will be very soon!

Yeah a hotty and a romantic no wham bam thank you ma’am for her.

How much Pussy does a guy have to get in order to be soft when you have Capo in bed with you :open_mouth: like wow! She is beautiful and god does she look pissed off with him right now…

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@Brannon78697 . Capo &guest sex in the archives!

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Allready placed her in the category Stephany, Candy Red and that weird Kate at Maddy’s place where Capo was the most interesting of thosefour but seems she has more to offer :kissing_heart:

In case you want to see something on archives don’t forget to use this:

Random posts in apartments asking for it may pass without notice

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Did it already :wink:

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Needs a penis splint , what a failure to stand up.