
Nelly was the one talking to the Internet guy in the hallway before he left. She is the boss. :laughing:

When was this.

NVM i found it.

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Capo’s successor???

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Эта квартира готовит новый декор. Что у них будет на этот раз🤔 image image

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kristina, kick them both out!

I wish Kristina and morgen were in an apartment alone

sorry to say this but y think he is using her too.Nelly and the boys are friends and she even brought them here.Morgan comes only through the night for sex.

According to the twitter they are having a Mexican Party.

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Do you think he loves her? Or just for sex?

y think is just sex.he showes up when he likes it and y notice that he isn’t especially interest of anything else but when will he f… her.

is this guy who is here the whole week her next,because it seems he wouldn’t mind geting in her pants?

Wouldn’t every guy that turns want that :thinking: :joy:

touche :clap: :clap: :clap:

The problem is want and get are two different things :rofl:

y know but this girl is to good for doing something like this to her.y would really like to know it possible to get any contact?

Yes, it always comes at the weekend

What is her name ?

So where are the Mexicans :question: