
If you refer to the place itself, then yes, but even in that case, the relocation led to a lot less excitement and fun than in the previous (first) apartment. Hard to understand, there are probably many factors that make this happen.


What did you expect Jabbath? With Kenia and the gay guy who didn’t do s__t in Dexter’s realm, the monogamous couple who isn’t going to do anything interesting, and Ally and her boyfriend = boredom, with this level the content is as expected.
It is what the manager can aspire to bring.


Many of the cams here are a b___dy joke :roll_eyes:


I really don’t understand why they mounted the cams so far away and also very high up. Doesn’t make any sense :roll_eyes:


Nahhh it’s the local mountaineering training site :rofl:

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deshalb gehe ich schon gar nicht in diese wohnung


Even if someone did decide to have sex out here, the camera is so high all you’d see is the tops of their heads.


glaubst du wirklich das dort jemand öffentlich sex hat?

First, you need to read the post I quoted to understand why I said that.

Second, people have sex in public all the time. It’s a huge genre.

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Entschuldigen sie das ich mich falsch ausgdrĂŒckt habe,ich meinte speziell dieses realm.ansonsten gebe ich ihnen vollkommen recht


Bathroom and toilet cams need changing or extra cams added

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Think they need scrapping them all and starting again :rofl:


Wollen sie das?

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No idea but it certainly doesn’t lead to good viewing in many areas.

Da muss ich dir recht geben,aber es wird immer schlimmer

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I also think that many camera settings would certainly need to be optimised again. That’s why large rooms are not always an advantage for the angles. And you simply need more to cover everything. On the other hand, too many cams lead to the whole realm becoming confusing.
So it’s difficult for everyone involved, I think. :thinking: :wink:


Wenn ich mari richtig verstanden habe,sind es nur 22 kameranaschlĂŒsse

Yes, 22 cameras are currently displayed. But there should actually be 23. Because one camera in Ally’s bedroom is not working

Lets hope they do not use that infamous faulty cable for that one they used for the not working livingroom camera in the old place :rofl::see_no_evil:


I agree with you 100%.
Equipping a new location with 23 cameras, all aligned optimally from the start, is almost impossible. As I understood Mari, the first goal was to eliminate all blind spots, which was largely successful.
A disadvantage is the wide angle of the cameras, which capture the room from afar, but push the locations of the events into the distance.
As Mari further wrote, 23 cameras were the maximum the place could be equipped with. So additional cameras are not an option.

The only option left is to optimize the existing cameras and, if necessary, accept blind spots, or leave it as it is now.

In my opinion, the cameras on the balcony are mounted too high, but that can’t be helped because of the close neighbors. Perhaps the alternative would be to install the two balcony cameras on the balcony railing. Then they point towards the wall of the house, but might have a better view of the participants if they were sitting at the table.

So let’s wait and see what @Mari will do.