
How do you know Veska won’t get a place? Who told you? I know nothing about this at all…

Ich habe nie gesagt das sie keinen kriegt , stand heute hat sie halt keinen dass finde ich schade . Ich weiß auch nicht mehr als du

what makes you think she wants her own place??/

Hab ich auch nie geschrieben, vielleicht wird es falsch übersetzt oder so . Ich hab gemeint WENN sie ein eigenes Reich mal haben will gibt es bestimmt genug Möglichkeiten

I don’t think Henri even knows Muriel.He may have been raised directly by the project. Veska already knows the conditions and we have already seen her hug Henri .Came alone today,maybe even fuck her today.See how she already let Henri touch her legs.

Henri tried in the past to kiss her and she always turned her face away.We’ll see if he can kiss her now.

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Anyone notice that from 04:28 there’s about 30mins lost from the timeline up until around now.???

General issues with timeline




Was just curious why 30mins should suddenly disappear and concerned something may have happened that was all.


Watch a great set of exercises from Gerda !!


What on earth is all that crap on Gerda’s face? holding her face together or what :laughing:

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It is some sort of war paint. It certainly looks like it. :slight_smile:

Some kind of cosmetic duct tape :joy: Should be good for skin and remove wrinkles. Do not ask me if it works :rofl: :rofl:

Was wondering if she was taking up a part time job as a witch doctor :laughing:

Does Gerda go out of her way to look ugly or what :rofl:

That looks like a pretty bad attempt to be a fake witch copycat. In lack of a better way to say it. :slight_smile:

Well, it’s certainly not holding her tits up, that’s for sure. This girl definitely needs to invest in a bra, or those titties will be down to her waist by the time she’s 40. :rofl: