
Now she have to justify the salary that manager will pay her based on her actions. By photos is already visible the behavior changes that being hired brought

Was it confirmed, that she takes over the realm?

No of course not.

Well… we will see :wink:
Could just be temporary job for some showers and others things that she never did before till precisely (coincidentally of course) today :wink:

How interesting that would be

My faith in many of these women has diminished greatly, it seems they are all a bunch of slappers in the end. :roll_eyes:

Seems like the little boy lost act is working :joy:


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Well, it did not end up as interestingly as it looks on this picture. Sadly, I would say. :hugs:

TBH i am quite pleased as Chyna is the only one that seems to resist the temptations many others fall for. :two_hearts:

A good point that. Personally I am not always sure if I appreciate the resistance of the temptations as you put it. But nevertheless a very valid point. :revolving_hearts:

If we are lucky enough to get Chyna as the new residence we could get to see a lot more of Shana & Loki :heart_eyes:

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Is it Chyna who moves in as the new occupant of realm 62? :hugs: :hugs:


To cover possible vacatiom of Alida Her name remains…

Keeping the place alive …for…??


Excessive views? :hugs:

lol and now nobody is there all lights are off

That’s what I meant, and put the pic when Chyna leaves.

To the best of my knowledge, an appartment that’s vacated 48 hrs+, is shut down, so if someone comes along every now and then, within that time-frame, the realm is “kept alive”.

That happened when Jirina had her last place before she moved in with Muriel, around new years, when several participants like Hannah, Wendy, Millie or Shana and Loki came along, had a fuck or a shower, and left, until Wendy took the place over.

Chyna didn’t bring in personal belongings, so I’m not convinced yet, that she’s the new resident.

(which doesn’t mean she isn’t)

May be (a) new (if any) permanent resident(s) has/have to sort things out in her/his/their old place or living environment, and Chyna is the most welcome “showertaker” here to keep the place up.

But that’s all JMO !!!

And the name has not changed