
I get what you are saying but it never seemed to bother anyone in the past.

Am still surprised we haven’t seen anymore of Julia from the other week but it seems all the girls are not content anymore with being treated like lumps of meat. :roll_eyes:
Even Trisha is normally walking around stark bollock naked :laughing:


“Those where the days” and then lust a few or none at all had to go to work early ! :heart_eyes:

Must be a record, never seen as many guests still dressed.
You don’t think they are all reformed Christians :laughing:

nope they cant find the playing cards :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Henry & Gerda try to give psychological Support to Trisha

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In all seriousness, maybe the they have all just realised that staying on VH isn’t a sustainable method of viable employment and have decided to put their careers and relationships before their wild pleasures.

You see, a too high degree of only neat and tidiness is not really fitting with the basic idea of a porn channel. :grin:

You may just be right about that. Now Henry is actually eating more than _____ing as well.
At least for today !

Now Trisha is crying too, lately many of the clique are crying. Maybe they already see the end together.

Well they have all had a good run of fucking, s___ping eating and just lazing around everyday to last a lifetime but real life has to take over sometime i’m afraid.
No doubt others will soon take their place.

Absolutely. And it has happened to other empires, and will happen to other empires.
But let’s be honest! A vhtv without henry? I can’t even imagine it yet. I don’t want to exaggerate, but that would somehow not be good for vhtv.

Hello Shana, nice ta have seen you, pretty as always. Wish you were back. :heart_eyes:


What would it be like if Henry were to quit? Would that be the end for Trisha and others where he is manager? :pensive:

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But there were other participants who were intelligent and apparently were always taking courses or studying for something (that’s exactly what I would do, since I would receive money just to live), I would try to qualify in some areas, so that when I left I wouldn’t have to work in horrible jobs.

Well he ain’t gone yet but no doubt he will try and soldier on, just not forget no one is indispensable.
I wish him all the best whatever happens on VH i really do but i think the women now don’t want to be seen just as slappers anymore available to anyone who wants sex anytime.
Most of the participants now do seem to be couples even if some have got together just for VH.
but who knows what direction VH will go now?
Only time will tell.

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Many have done just that and some have just graduated from University but they have had/having a bit of fun whilst on VHTV.