
The only thing I am sort of waiting for now is that Shana eventually will conduct something sexually. She still has not conducted anything physically since her status altered to guest. :hugs: :slight_smile:

Think you my be disappointed pal :laughing:

Yes, I am a little bit disappointed pal. I like Shana very well. How did you know? :laughing:

sorry folks but shana there for the veiws helping henry out , another boring night watching henry get _____

I think carrying on with Henry now is a thing of the past, she is still friendly with him obviously but nothing more will happen between them i don’t think. :roll_eyes:

looks like none of the woman want anything to do with him ? :grin:

Surprise surprise eh :laughing:

Not particurlarly surprising, huh? :smiling_face_with_tear:

This girl with the streak in her hair is so beautiful, is she related to Alida? I’m really bad with names

Funny really there isn’t any touchy feely anymore like ass grabbing etc etc. :roll_eyes:
Think he may have got the message.

No, it is not. But Shana still has got her boyfriend Loki. So I guess there is some hope there, I assume. :slight_smile: :hugs:

Lately when Shana was visiting. No matter where! Shana’s boyfriend always looked very bored. Also today. I think he is glad that the visit is over. :pensive:

Nahhhh think anything happening now is very unlikely.
Normally many would have half stripped off by now :laughing:
But am willing to be proved wrong :laughing:

Yes, it seems like that. Quite a disappointment, really. I fear for another night with only observing Henry getting _____. I hope not, but that can be the outcome. :innocent:

I am willing to be proved extremely wrong, but eventually I think you are right. :grin:

Well Loki,Shana & Chyna have already left which says a lot i think. :roll_eyes:
Veska has her boyfriend there anyway.

Much has already been said about the party qualities.

However, if they have to go to work early, the early start is understandable.

The really sad part is that there is no regurlar party quality left anymore. :grin:

Not compared to what the parties used to be like a little bit back in the days. :hugs: :slight_smile: