
Absolutely. The apartment is extremely tidy. She takes out trash. Listen to music in a good mood. Check your cell phone every now and then. Is there a visitor coming? :laughing:

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Maybe Alida or Henry after 3 AM… :smile:

Talking to yourself at least you get the answers you want! :smiley:

Alida is back Good news…

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I can’t wait for Maren to come back again, if you can invite her back to the project I would be very grateful.

What is Marens status per now? Is she still a part of the project or is she out of it? Will she be back again at some point? :hugs: :slight_smile:

Maren is no longer a participant for a long time. If she shows up as guest or not is entirely up to her.

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Thank you very much, Jabs. You just gave me what I was wondering about. Good boy. :hugs: :fire: :wink: :slight_smile:

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Yes, Maren has only ever been a guest since she gave up her own apartment a long long time ago.


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Hey since Murial has put Jirina out maybe we could get her to move in with Alida.

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Hi Alida … Dont know if you read this or not but I just wanted to say that I am looking forward to viewing your new home, and seeing how being able to relax, you are able to share your adventures.