
Now, thats a pile of d__gs

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Thanks God Gerda looks so much better !! Health & peace are above all !! . :fallen_leaf: :maple_leaf: :leaves: :herb:

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Chyna is back at realm 62. And she is dressed. Unsurprisingly. :slight_smile: :hugs:

And maybe she will be in action ! Hope is possible

Maybe. Even though it is rather seldomly it actually happens. The action. But I can hope. :hugs:



I’m very happy too. I hope the s___p worked.

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I am assuming that English is not your first language or you would not have posted: “if she has the flu I hope she passes soon…” . To say that means that you hope she dies soon. I think that you should have written “if she has the flu I hope it passes soon…



Where is Chyna ?

If she looks for a man , I am there

Alida is @ Paolo

Beautiful Gerda :lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus:

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Seems fitter again :+1:

Yes, absolutely. Very good for her. She looks like an ice hockey player or football player with pink bunny ears slippers. Or something. :slight_smile: :hugs: Or maybe an ice skating performer. :hugs: :slight_smile:

Looks as though the shagging sofa is falling apart again, the repair man is in to hopefully sort it and no doubt be paid in pussy use :joy:
Well he has to test it i suppose :joy:

Well, the shagging sofa has been fixed and repaired before. Not properly reinf___ed despite the repairs then maybe? :hugs: :slight_smile: