
Henry est probablement un des propriétaires de VHTV . Le feuilleton qu’il offre est assez pitoyable. sa vision égocentrique du site démontre l’évolution négative de ce site qui compte manipuler les abonnés plutôt qu’a remplir le rôle du départ , d’animer des appartements autour des occupants… Henry commence à prendre une posture de proxénète . Mira n’est qu’une animation finalement. Elle part, elle revient, elle repart. çà devient risible. De plus, la qualité des filles sur le site s’enfonce dans la cellulite et l’imbécilité. l’époque des Chloé, Sina, Chelsea est derrière nous ! Le pire s
emble arriver . des alcooliques , des grosses , des appartements qui ouvrent aussi vite qu’ils ne ferment. Cordialement

Tout à fait !

Amazing how Alida can s___p with Henry snorring and Gerda messing around in the apartment.

What a shame she’s such a mess mentally. Nice looking girl… Wonder if she needs a good shrink or good mood d__gs…

For me it looks like she just needs different stratergies to keep the mood relatively stable. :slight_smile: :hugs:

To the best of my knowledge, she had a (medical)box full of pills or whatever,

yesterday, and took (consumed) some out of it,

and when Henry saw this box in the bedroom this morning and looked inside said “oh my god”,

so I think maybe she needs more control over what she takes in mix with a_____l.

So fucking true, but you still have a Couple of gems but they are few left, if they not improve i will not be a member, VHTV will be drawn down in the black hole if he contineus with this behavior soon a member if this soapopera changes to the better


I’m afraid that she unfortunately needs this stuff to get back in a good mood. Not good with a_____l. I hope she doesn’t wash things down with a_____l

What a nymphomaniac… before she left yesterday, she still had to fuck the big-bellied guy…
Alida f___es Gerda to fuck her guests all the time
Let Gerda decide!!!

Henri wanted to prevent her from fucking the guy, so he called her, but she fucked him just before she left.
then he fell as___p and she had to go home and she was furious…

Henry open up his breakfast. I wonder how they can survive on beer
booze and pasta/pizza? :astonished:

Back home again…

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Happy New Year !!


thars what happens when you gey involved whth Henry . he uses and a___es them then puts them out to earn him money , hes got no feelings

Mira 2.0 oder was :rofl:

Was she always just like that? So with a_____l and pills. or was she ever different? at vhtv



LOVE the big round butt… !!!