

Alida and Gerda starting early on the booze to day! :smile:


Saw a bit of Gerda a while ago. She looked depressed and close to crying, She was hesitant to stand up and then unstable on her feet. Looks like she was _____ing a_____l, took a pill and maybe having some health issues. She is another person that is tough watching. Appears fragile, emotional and constantly having up and down mood swings. Has her hand bandaged up.

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The girls dont seem to mind a mild SM handling? :rofl:

Some Girls like it to be dominated, even with some physical roughness,

but you can tell in the end, Alida obviously feels comfortable, when Gerda said enough for her,

and could leave.


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going to wakwe up Henry?? :joy: :joy:


She is “_____ as a skunk” and on the edge of hysteria!

maybe she is beyond. In my opinion on the long run she will need help, and I think Alida will be more capable of supporting her than Henry would.

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Henry scheint es wieder gut zu gehen ,er hat schon wieder Durst!

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Gerda needs help, she is unstable! Apparently she’s really in love with Henry, but he fucks himself through every hole he can get his hands on.

Some think Alida would help and support Gerda but I don’t see it. Gerda continues to have issues and sometimes appears a total wreck even with Alida around. Who is supporting Henry. I think no one. The women need Henry (not for his cock or fingers but for his apartments). VHTV has blinders to all this. Why are only apartment managers responsible for participants?

I believe you are correct. Henry has latched on to her behaviour as some thing to enjoy> Mira has seen it for what it is and it has ruined their relationship or marriage. Henry will not give it up and Mira wont put up with it. If Gerda does get help and calms down and realises Henry is taking advantage of her this will leave henry out in the cold. With no Mira.

hello the redhead seems to me to have big mental problem or these me who don’t know her I should do something because I don’t know if this is a big depression or she takes d__gs my I don’t really want to see her go through the window because it’s is not far I exaggerate maybe my site management should do something