AI System by VHTV

Can u exactly tell me how this system will work :thinking:or it will choose viewers according to them :sweat_smile:

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AL system?

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AI system (Artificial Intelligence) vhtv said they will start new system so I wanna know how this things will work…

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Thanks for that :+1:

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I would contact VHTV directly to get all the facts directly from the source instead of viewers interpretations of this development.

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It’s an open discussion forum all viewers have right to know about every new changes related to vhtv… So they know how system going to work

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Sure. The system processes the public posts content via open classificator like this one by certain thresholds which we can set on our side. We won’t disclose them as this should considered as compliance side of things. And there is no need to.

We’ve been fine-tuning the system for the past week or so and will introduce preventive actions if the post one is about to make does seem toxic or insulting based on current thresholds. This will happen after several of weeks of additional checks and safeguards to be introduced to this system. This won’t stop user from leaving their content as it is and posting it anyways, but will certainly flag it and bring it to moderator’s attention.

Example of post intervention

Kindly notice that no private data is being processed when classifying the post content. In fact, the content is being processed without any direct linkage to the author themselves.

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Thank you for this clarification of the process.


hopefully this is gpt3 based otherwise the standard workaround is type in crazy unicode to aoid detection…

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AI is working :thinking: because I read some bad words and comments from last night and they are still there when I used that words my comments got hidden :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Then your posts were probably a few more people of the view that they were not ok.

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I used simple words :sweat_smile: but here they used sex worker, realms, managers and some bad words but their comments are still here… well I already said rules are just an excuse and made different for everyone :upside_down_face:

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And if I understood about AI then they will never differentiate between users and work effectively :yum:

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You still don’t get it…

The AI ​​marks posts that are not ok. But this marking alone does not hide them. In order to be hidden, other users must also mark these posts.

So if your posts were hidden, some users probably felt that they broke the generally applicable rules.

So it has nothing to do with the AI.

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Got it how AI also works then :wink::sweat_smile:

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If the AI ​​marks a post, vhtv will receive a direct notification about it. If he then looks, he can theoretically hide the post directly (but I guess he doesn’t, or not always). If he doesn’t and other users also report this post, it will be automatically hidden from the system.

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But it’s not really hidden until VHTV look at it, you can still click on “view hidden post” defeats the purpose really, so it’s a waste of time :man_shrugging:

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