Accidental pregnancy

I have noticed that a lot of participants have unprotected sex. Are the girls on birth control. Does it happen here to have accidental pregnancies ? And since there are a lot of orgies happening here, how do we know who is the f____r ?

I hope that those who have unprotected sex at least make use of other contraceptives, even if with the promiscuity of relationships, using precautions would not be bad. Sexually transmitted diseases are rampant, I don’t know what life they lead from VHTV.

And you have to know that why?

To know who is legally responsible of paying for c___d care. Making a woman pregnant comes with legal responsibilities.

Why is that so important to you?

Bruh you are applying your Canadian laws and standards to people that live in foreign countries… Unfortunately, things like c___d support aren’t so black and white everywhere else in the world.

And here we go again, we’re watching a porn site. Maybe in Canada all is perfect, but reality in other countries is different. If they want have sex without protection is their responsability.

Every country in the world has c___d support laws, Russia included

What @javitto21 said - this is basically a porn site, most of the participants are very promiscuous and all are adults who bear responsibility for themselves and their own actions. The only interest I have in the majority of the people I watch on this site is just that, watching them fuck, and watching them fuck as much as possible and with as many people as possible, if they are so inclined. If they get pregnant, that is their concern and their problem to deal with, although I will have to say I am not one of those who like to watch a pregnant woman having sex or engaged in orgies. But if they return to the site after having a baby, like Anna, then I welcome them back with open arms (and eyes) to the world of fucking, sucking and orgies.

Yes, but not all of the laws are good and/or strongly enf___ed…

Foe example there was Jakar and Lilka. Lilka got pregnant while participating in VHTV. But since she was involved in many orgies, it’s hard to tell if she got pregnant from Jakar or from another guest. Now she left the project who is responsible of this c___d?

is this is a forum for lawyers? :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Everyone is talking about Russia as if it was wild west country. There was a participant who r__ed a s___ping guest live and everyone said in Russia he wouldn’t get prosecuted for this. Now you are telling me that in Russia you can fuck anyone and make her pregnant without being liable to support the c___d. I don’t really think Russia is a jungle country.

Who cares? It’s her problem, not yours or ours. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

All countries have laws, but that doesn’t mean that they are followed for everyone. For example, in my country Argentina, 7 out of 10 men parents do not fulfill their obligations. I repeat, maybe in Canada everything is perfect, but that doesn’t apply to other countries in the world.

So is Argentina wild west country?

Because the typical Argentinian man is like Maradona.

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waiting for Will Smith to sing Wild Wild West,hahahha