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I see this topic was such a rip roaring success that nobody has even made a post :thinking:

On the subject of News though how is the other rip roaring success getting on, namely news from the Editors? Or has that project been dumped in the trash can before it even got going.

The communication between VHTV and it’s members does seem to leave a great deal to be desired it would seem.
One even seems to get the impression that the members are not rated highly enough to be told anything which is going on or any other proposals come to that.
I just do not understand why such a simple communication channel is incapable of getting started or is it that VHTV has no idea what is going on themselves which wouldn’t surprise me.

Some moment operators seem to know many things but only deem to tell us as and when they see fit or think we even ought to know.

I do think this is really a very bad show by VHTV and they should make an effort to be a bit more proactive, then you wonder why so many members, some for a very long time, have just given up and ceased subscribing.
Not a good endorsement for the project as a whole is it.

Perhaps VHTV could make some form of comment here to put us out of our misery of expecting things to happen which don’t.
Members are always open to hearing what, if anything, is being planned for the future, what is going on currently and whether we will ever get any form of official news on anything.

I assume the Editors which were originally chosen have now gone into retirement.

Any answers would be appreciated by the membership i can assure you.

cc @VHTV_James @kaya @jabbath1987

Hello robwin :smiling_face: ,

I’ve looked through your message, I believe the only thing I could have answered would be editors question as I have access to latest VHTV update on it

Unfortunately, anything else seems to be out of my hands. Sorry I couldn’t be more help

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No problem but didn’t understand how no one has heard anything.

Also from your post i clicked on “On another topic” and saw one topic about making Kade a moments operator.
Why have i never seen this? I certainly have no objections but have just never seen it.
How is one meant to always see these things or am i just being a bit stupid?

I suppose no one else has seen this either?