You must have seen

But it was more like a very big bull shark than a white shark. The shape was a lot different from a white shark.

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Well, look at the shape (and size) of each. Pictures 1 and 3 (Megladon and Great White respectively) demonstrate the point. Picture 2 of the Bull Shark shows the more bullish (hence the name) head.


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:art:Not everyone can draw three different portraits with this tool

Georgian artist and social media star Eduard Tsokoloyan can not only draw portraits of three people at once, but also cut out the face of any person from an ordinary sheet of paper.

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I’d say second looks can also be deceiving because there is no way that’s not a person wearing a beanie, a coat and pants. You can even see the length of the coat if you look between his knees.

He’s either carrying what I think is a wolf, but could be a dog, over his left shoulder, or he’s wearing a wolf hide around both shoulders.

I had to overexpose it to even see the eyes and nose. The head hangs at an angle just below the person’s head.

I think it’s a wolf hide. Enlarge this picture and look just below the person’s head. You’ll see the eyes and nose. The head points down and to the left.

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The whole figure is a dog.

He stands towards the camera and looks to the left edge of the picture.
The alleged man’s “head” is the dog’s tail.
It is probably a poodle.



I don’t understand how a dog’s tail could be right behind his head, when his hind legs are on the ground. And, that’s assuming the whole figure is a dog , which doesn’t seem plausible, at all.

How do you explain the length of the coat? Look between his knees. Clearly, that’s a coat.

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You don’t see the dog’s back legs, only the front legs.
What you call the “coat” is the dog’s chest and from the angle of the shot it appears as if the tail is directly behind the head.

The whole thing is just an optical illusion, which is ultimately the point of this photo.

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When you said optical illusion, it popped into view, but only for a second, then the “person” came back into view.

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Correct on ALL counts.


Angular perspective…something which photo editors such as myself MUST take into account when compositing images, to make the final image look right.

That’s simply the dog’s own ‘coat’ (its hair / fur) showing against a rather flat (from this angle) contour of its chest.

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Made me smile. Brought a happy tear to my eye.


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How do you even start to explain what has happened in the world the last 5 years


Grains of salt under an electron microscope.


800-year old bonsai tree.

800-year old bonsai tree


“Grateful residents of Avdeevka say thank you to Russia for its help”


No trickery is going on here. Zeus the great dane is just legitimately the tallest dog to ever live.

Just your everyday hallway.


That’s an amazing visual effect being created by all those lines. The ground in particular, looks very uneven but weirdly, it probably isn’t.

What an extraordinary picture!

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