You must have seen

That’s Ok. I don’t believe in religion, but I believe in what that video has to say. Religion is from man. It’s just another way to control the populace.

It’s been many years since I downloaded or watched this video. I’m deaf now and can’t hear the song and don’t remember what it was. I’ll post it in that topic on your recommendation. Thanks.

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When the Terminator is chasing you

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Some people have already unlocked their Matrix skills.

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This certainly brought a smile to my face.

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@irene_voda, I don’t understand how anyone could be angry about that video. Could you explain? :question: :question:

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This is very creative and a great entertainment!

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there are some older ones, also how it all started…

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OMG!!! They are without question THE most incredible, amazing instruments I have ever seen. I just wish to God I could hear them. :cry:

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When you look at the guitars without sound, it looks considerably more spectacular than it sounds. But the idea, the technology and how it looks visually is definetily spectacular.

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the machines are also available as real versions …

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The idea, the creativeness, the ingenuity, technology all make it look spectacular.

The other instrument is truly unbelievable, and the funny part is he catches all those damn balls!!!
:laughing: :laughing:

With the “ball band”, the timing is particularly fascinating. It’s a matter of hundredths of a second that are precisely coordinated with each other. Unbelievable. Surely it’s programmed with software.

oh wow, I had overlooked that at the time: intel replicated pipe dream for real!
oh dear, i feel sorry for the one who has to collect the balls afterwards

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I didn’t know there was an opposite.

Deja-Vu is the feeling of having been in a specific situation or setting before. Jamais-Vu is the reverse. It is the feeling of seeing or sensing something for the first time, despite knowing that it’s not the first time.

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Ok, I think I found the place for this. It’s from Elton John’s diary of 1973.

Got up. Cleaned the house. Watched football on TV. Wrote Candle In the Wind. Went to London. Bought a Rolls-Royce. Ringo Starr came for dinner.

In other words, just another day :smile:

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kitty is a killer

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