Yan & Evelyn

IMO you don’t deserve to look at her. BTW are you a paying subscriber ?


Although i 100% agree with your comment, the second part did bring a smile to my face :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy: :joy:

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Another couple. Estelle with a guy :heart_eyes:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Gossip and off topic posts aka the :poop:-hole

Estelle with a guy ? where ? nm, I am dumb …

And yes, Estelle with a guy would be amazing

I have three questions. Did you install the browser add-on, or is there a Windows program I can install on my PC? I installed the add-on because that’s all I could find.

What does loading videos have to do with TWP?

After I first installed TWP (before I changed any settings), when I highlighted some text, I would then have to click on a little icon that popped up in order to get the translation. Then, I learned about pressing Ctrl twice, which made it a lot easier and quicker.

I have never been able to get it to translate anything automatically as soon as I highlighted the text. I have been through the settings a dozen times trying to find one that does that.

Morhchi, I believe it was him, said it automatically translates entire pages, but it has never done that for me either.

Do you know what you did to get it to do the translation as soon as you highlight the text? Thanks.

I do the same. However, it refers to when you write a new posting in your m____r tongue and then want TWP to translate it into English, for example.

TWP can automatically translate the entire forum page into your preferred language.
The addon adds a small icon in Firefox
graphic in the toolbar. If you click on it, you can check that this page is always translated into your preferred language. In the addon itself you can also select which languages ​​should be translated. It really works perfectly for me.

Trying to cover up ,not worked ,lovely

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Maybe one day she won’t anymore

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or one day she won’t be here anymore :wink:

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Someday?? :open_mouth:

She should do it while she’s young and beautiful. Once she’s old and grey, she won’t have to undress anymore… :joy: :joy: :sweat_smile:

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That is a very strong possibility

would be a shame… she is a pretty girl, but clearly not comfy with this

Well, some men do like the MILFs :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

would not be my first choice.

but would not turn them down either :slight_smile:

at least a nice back … :wink:

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nou Yan het was weer gezellig ze heeft je weer bijna de hele dag niet aangekeken


you have beautiful hair from behind evelyn…

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فتاة جميله وتهتم في جسمها لاكنها لاتنزع الملابس

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hummm, what ? :thinking: