Yan & Evelyn

Dat is precies wat Yan vertelde… de 27e zou de laatste dag zijn en daarna zouden ze als gasten weer terugkeren, Yan alleen , of samen met Evelyn

Sad to see Evelyn go :disappointed_relieved:going to miss see her beautiful smile :heart_eyes:
I wish @Yan and @Yan_and_Evelyn nothing but the best :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Finally the vacations are over!! Maybe next will be Starlight to end “vacations” :rofl:
All the best to Evelyn


Yan is on the phone with Evelyn. I understood very little.
Yan asked Evelyn several times if she could come but she didn’t want to.When Yan asked where she was going to be she said home.
Yan should have found an apartment by now. He’s been at O&L for a long time.

You have no idea the struggles one might have to go through to find an apartment. You don’t even know if they want to live together or even be on the project.

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Visiting acquaintances is good, but after a while you are a nuisance.
If his relationship with Evelyn is going to go anywhere, he has to do it.
Evelyn feels in apartments with a camera, as she said many times “uncomfortable”

Мы с Эвелин больше не в месте, у неё своя жизнь, у меня своя, мы попытались, но ничего не вышло

Does that mean there is a chance we will see Hope again? :pleading_face: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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You always seemed so in love with each other on Sundays.

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Всего наилучшего вам обоим :disappointed_relieved::hugs:


Oh sorry to hear that I wish u nothing but the best and I wish Evelyn the best too :hugs::heart:


Мне жаль вас, ребята.

казалось, что вам было так хорошо вместе, но жизнь продолжается!

удачи Ян

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Да мы хотели быть вместе, но не получилось(

Sad. Evelyn is beautiful but clearly never comfortable with the VHTV life. Hope. She finds a way back here…

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Окей, ты не знал что в телефоне я общаюсь с людьми, знакомлюсь, развлекаюсь, хочешь сказать ты не сидишь в телефоне?


Уже давно без телефона никто не живёт)

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Hee Yan. Is er nog kans dat jullie weer een relatie krijgen. Want wij zien dat jullie nog heel veel van elkaar houden. Het zou zo jammer zijn als jullie nooit geen stel meer zijn. Jullie zijn voor elkaar gemaakt.

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A quick hello from Yan

he is doing good


Is he coming back?