Yan & Evelyn

Just was reporting a fact from my point off view to someone, and you had to come with some s__ty coments as true you must have nothing better to do!

No, no, not a chance, i tried only to be supportive somehow, that’s all :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:

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She is back because she knows she can control the situation he needs her for this place to stay on line yan have put himself in a situation where the woman has all the control long as he keeps doing this it’s not going to work out for him he needs to grow up and get some balls doing big balls GIF

Well, he is definitely VERY used with this situation

To be completely honest I was leaving it up to the users to decide who I was referring to. I think the ones worried about being an oldie or obsessed are the ones with the guilty conscious. So in a way they are answering their own question.

It is true I do enjoy our banter. You don’t take anything to personally and know in the end it’s all in good fun…

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offline… !!

Looks like ISP problems. Nothing extraordinary happened:

No, the picture suddenly stopped and then they were gone

Without that this forum would be boring to death.

In contrast, we have had many concrete debate, laughed ourselves to tears and spent many nights in company. The reason we keep coming back.

In many cases, the forum is much more interesting than what’s going on in any of the nearly 50 apartments.

To be personally insulted, on the internet, by strangers…just shows personal immaturity.


online again :+1:


Not at me…still Offline :astonished: :astonished:

Yes offline

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The bedroom isn’t working yet, but the kitchen and living room cams are almost all working again


S__t, now they’re out again… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I hope they come back online as soon as possible last night’s evening with evelyn and her friend was nice although they are still too shy but of course it takes time…


At the moment all cams are online again



Trace removal… :joy:


nice videocall…
