Yan & Evelyn

Flora’s had the tattoo at least as long as long as her visits to Lyla & Wayne’s

Yes @John78 has even posted pictures of Flora with the tattoo in his millions of pics he posts in the Lyla & Wayne topic. John must be taking photos so fast he hasn’t noticed. :upside_down_face: :rofl:

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jó lenne Flórát gyakrabban látni

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daily routine Yan & Evelyn:

Arguing, yelling at each other or spitting during the day. Snuggle up a bit reluctantly in the evening, Yan uses Evelyn’s bottom as a wank area. Short sex between 5 and 6 in the morning. :thinking:


why is that?

No other reason to have flora than for views

you watched the whole time she was here?

i have seen much happier evenings with her involved

No, but if you think about it, they’re done dating and there’s no reason for her to be around other than for views

thinking… that is what you should start to do…

there was clearly a good reason for this visit…

and i don’t think it was a funny one

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What was it?

just review the evening… and you will see no happy flora like we used to see


She didn’t come for the views. As soon as her housing problem is resolved, she will leave.

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My bad than

Flóra beköltözhetne szerintem a nappaliba akár végleg is a hely meg van

The big question is how long it will take. In my experience, it can take a while. In the meantime, she might afford us some interesting moments. I certainly hope that there will not be any drama. What has been is what has been, and it is time for them to turn their relationships into friendships.

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you think we will see her more often here?

It’s hard to say. I assume she is having problems at home at the moment, as she mentioned. The question is what kind of atmosphere she has encountered with her parents. Her d______r moved away (also a question of how much they know about VHTV), got married quickly, divorced after two months and found another boyfriend almost immediately. And turned up at the home door again. This scenario can be very frustrating for some parents.

I suppose Flora is going through a difficult time at the moment, which is why I conclude thats why she moved to Yan by f___e of circumstances, not because of the views.

Keep in mind those are just my speculation.

Well i guess…

Time is the only thing that will tell us how everything will be

so i just wait and see what will be


This is what it translated to. Is that right?

"Honey, I’m so horny. "Boaah, you can do that but also different formulate. " "Well, I have Butterflies in the Penis. "