Yan & Evelyn

Why, was he posting the same thing over and over?

Ok. Dan weet ik dat

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En ik ben geen spam. Ik ben alleen een hele trouwe fan. Vind het jammer dat het nu zo slecht met hun gaat. Hoop voor hun dat er betere tijden komen.ik gun het ze

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Just read some of the comments, That’s not the only way to post spam

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Spam Spam Spam GIF

Now nobody can say that’s not spam :joy:

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I was sure for a sec my video froze from yesterday…

At least he seems happy again. He didn’t seem to take seeing Flora getting railed out by Connor very well…

You are right, he didn’t, and that’s a bit weird as he’s got at least two other girls in this time (Evelyn and the gift girl), but i guess that the male pride in him was hurt


He didn’t what?

I mean I’m pretty positive Flora got two boys. Flora was awfully close to Ken when he and Barbie were broken up and we all know how Ken is… I think seeing it as it was happening was what really made it a reality for Yan.

Yan started crying when he saw Connor fucking Flora on VHTV.

Somehow Yan seems to have felt watched… :joy: :joy: :joy:

I don’t think that Flora’s done something with Ken. Off course we both speculate now.

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You are kidding me? Really? With Evelyn near? Her reaction?

C’mon, you are pulling my leg…

Absent for a while and completely out of the game already, dang.

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Evidently NotSeth seen what Yan was looking at on his phone or he is speculating that a reaction from Yan was because of what was occurring in Ken and Barbie’s apartment at that time. Oops I guess it was Lyla and Wayne’s apartment, I didn’t resub when it ran out the other day so I didn’t actually watch, just seen a couple pictures.

He’s not pulling your leg, that is what happened last night when Flora was at L&W

Nope I am not. Here is how Yan reacted to seeing it happen…

Unfortunately, this is the time when our centre is busiest, when many people are alone, lonely, depressed and suicidal. I simply don’t have time to follow everything that is going on here, I have a quick peek every now and then.

And I see how quickly you’re out of the loop. I’ve had a quick look at what’s going on with Flora, Lyle and company, and the rest is more than not a blur to me. Where is Evelyn? How did she take Yan’s tears? As I see wrom the picture, comforting him?

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Yes, she did comfort him quite a lot from the little i been watching

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