

super hot bombshell… :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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faye there is no more if you talk about her you have to say trisha…

there will always be Faye

I agree but with a different name…

This is not rocket science. Her name is Trisha. It doesn’t matter if you like it or agree with it but it says a lot about you if you cannot respect it.

By the time a girl had vagina-problems in this house,

the name of that girl was Faye.

She is no longer in the project.

John Wayne’s name will always be John Wayne, although he’s dead.
Why should it be different with a former participant?

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what are you saying then

I’m saying, that there was a girl named Faye in the project, who left Wendy’s, and with that the project.

Whatever she did until then was by the name of Faye.

After Faye had left the project, a girl looking the same popped up at Queen, and her name is Trisha.

From that day, there is only Trisha in the project, Faye is gone, but she was here, until she left.

Simple as that.


give it a rest now , her name is Trisha , end of , and she has gone ,

But see thats not the case Yes They said that Faye left the project but the same girl identical girl never left she went to another realm and was renamed Trisha for who knows what reason but still the same girl named Faye

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so lets just start renaming everyone that changes realms that would be so much easier

The virtual identity Faye left the project,

and the other virtual identity Trisha entered the project.

Faye probably had the real-life-name Ludmilla Ermakova, she was never Faye. Faye is a project-given name.

So now the project-given-name is Trisha, but she still stays real-life- Ludmilla Ermakova.

Since in the project we only deal with project names, the old name is gone, the new name will probably come back.

It’s difficult, but if you think it over it should work.

what shell we call , Henry and mira then, Bonny and Clide , thay rob everbody …

sure they rob all their people in their cliche

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Call them Henry and Mira seeing as how they haven’t changed their name. Again, this is not rocket science.

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This is not a unique situation,

Jessy used to be Christina etc etc.

And if I would want to change my name into Igor, I’m sure VHTV would manage that.

What I don’t agree with is that the history is erased.

Camren wrote:

and that is correct.
Trisha never had these problems to the best of my knowledge.


Different situation as she had a guest name (given on / by twitter) and recently choose to use her professional name.
But yes, not unique situation as it happened in the past with other tenants

welll KANO has managed to get her shirt off and reveal those bodacious TATAS!

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