Viktor, Kye, Nena

That is super stupid. People should know this can cause overheating…

GIF by Bounce

so many errors again with the cams, bathroom cam nena ,viktor stops at 15:26 but now is time half 9 :frowning_face:

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why they stop the bathroom cam for 5 hours and what do Nena 1 hour in Bathroom??

i pay for premium they cant shut down the bathroom cam

Well you heard them. Their manager says all is good :stuck_out_tongue: :joy:

It’s giving free users a chance to see what going back on the timeline is like :joy:

its a chance that the hours bathroom from today 18 00 away comes back??

No. As they were never broadcasted there is no chance for that.

any understand what viktor talk with nena as she was 1 hour in bathroom???

Nope. Sorry when the cam is not online it is impossible

no i men they talk in the bedroom and this was all hours online, i not understand why viktor shut down the bathroom cam

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Was that a deliberate alignment, she couldn’t do that by accident could she?

He did not. They just have s__tty tech. It fails multiple times a day.

it is now over 6 hours down

Are you still crying for cams…. :sweat_smile: it’s same like first day……!

No wasn’t deliberate