VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

and yet the system calls itself ‘democracy’ and sees itself as a role model… it’s actually absurd

It’s actually an oligarchy. The people who have the influence and money are the ones having chances to get elected.

And imagine in Germany all of a sudden a vote from a person living in rural Bavaria would count more than the vote of a person living in Berlin. That is exactly how the electoral college in the USA works…


Don’t tell that to the Bavarian government… they would like the idea :grin:


Shocked One Direction GIF


so true :+1:

Just a western form of Russia really :joy:


I definitely can’t argue that nor would I even defend the wrongs that have gone on in the US. And I’ll add some of what they have done in some parts of the world. I was and have been personally affected by a war that was started with a US lie (weapons of mass destruction) … Desert Storm. But I’ll say this no country is without fault. As an example I was born in the Netherlands (many, many moons ago) any they were heavily involved in the slave trade. Here in Canada we have racial discrimination, definitely not to the level that exists in the US but it exists. Even here in Canada 1st Nations People have and to this day are being wrongly treated.

I say “normal” in relation to what is happening in the US today compared to rTump coming into the picture. No matter what country we live in … we can all clean up our act.

As a side note, I have a huge dislike for our Prime Minister. And I say it’s time to boot him out of office and lets make “Canada better”! And it’s looking like that may possibly happen with a vote on non confidence by the other parties.

I could go on and on but it would turn into a novel lol.

Hopefully you have a good day.

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I would like to intervene in the discussion on the electoral system.
It is wrong to say that in the United States there are only 2 candidates

Les 1 223 autres candidats à la présidence des États-Unis

VIDÉO. À côté de Joe Biden et de Donald Trump, plus d’un millier d’indépendants se présentent. Ils n’ont aucune chance d’être élus, mais ils influencent le scrutin.

De notre correspondante à Washington Hélène Vissière

Publié le 02/11/2020 à 07h00,

I have a dislike for a 2 party system. We here have in Canada we have 5 parties make up the Federal House of Commons based on the British system. Is it perfect? No, but in my opinion its better than a 2 party system. I guess you could say no governmental system is perfect, but it leaves room for improvement. Now if they only would.

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That is true but the dems and the reps are funded to the tune of billions by big oil big pharma and so on so realistickly the other 1000 or so candidates have no chance which means big buisness is really in control so in my view its democracy light at best in the usa

I might suggest, I would say that in no country that the funding for a run to become the governing power doesn’t come from very deep pockets. And in many respects can make a huge differents in who wins. Not “just” in the USA.

in my country the maximum donation allowed by any person or organisation is 1000 thousand euro and is that way to help stop coruption

The Economist measures 5 types of data:

Electoral processes and pluralism;
Operation of government;
Participation in politics;
Democratic political culture;
Civil Liberties.


still its going on… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl: same viewers are trying their hard… :wink: :sweat_smile:

@NotSeth look like dictators are still misusing their powers… :unamused:
they are sad that they all have now is leftovers and empty throne in their own little world :wink: :nerd_face: :kissing_heart: or may remote control starts breaking… :sweat_smile:

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Please tell the names of all girls that worked with Sky.

so didnt know wether to post in here or "Funnies & Jokes ", but just heard the fat blimp tyson fury as pulled out of his fight with Oleksandr Usyk , due to a cut above his eye , the dumpling needs to be stripped of his titles