
if so anyway he needs to calm down…I think we have invaded vhtv and all the people registered on the forum with his constant questions every day asking the same things…

Well, If he really cares about her, Maybe he should put himself in her place and look at how Trisha would feel after reading all of his posts! :worried: :weary: :scream:

The main point is that it does not forsee the process or reverse it either way. The result of the wait will be the same no matter how long it will take. :hugs:

definitely not well and I’m so sorry…(it’s getting worse than a stalker)… :cry: :cry:

@VHTV_James and @kaya also and have told him a thousand times but he seems either not to understand or to pretend not to…

I would have to blame his parents for not doing what was needed to discipline him as a c___d!

If he pushes long enough, eventually most will give up and he gets his wish!
:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Why are you angry, I have never written such a thing…

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The emojis are Grayce!

How much I want Trisha back…

I’m not angry with you, on the contrary, I’m sorry if you think this… I meant that it’s useless to get angry with a person who doesn’t give a damn about what we and vhtv say…

if you can @kaya as soon as you know something let @Grayce86908 know also because he is also massacring our private parts day after day … :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’ve already done so. We expect her to be back in around 7 days if everything is fine :partying_face:


7 days are too many I’m sorry for you but you will still have to undergo all the questions of that person…and they don’t want to be in your hangs if by chance the apartment goes offline…whatever happens I’m close to you… :hugs: :hugs:

If you don’t respond or give them a reaction do you think they will give up?

Unfortunately the only way to get peace from Grayce, may be to ban him from the forum completely at least for awhile!

I don’t think that will ever happen… :cry:

That being the case, then I will put Grayce on ignore , and stop following the Trisha topic, until her realm returns!

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I can. But then the stalker will spam in a different topi

This was the response from Jabs when I asked why they couldn’t pause the topic

Which is why I specified the ban should be from the entire forum, IE: all topics at least until Trishas realm is reopened!

And her :package:. Don’t forget about that.

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