
I think Trisha is great, she’s so natural, stay with us in your apartment for a long time :heart:

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It must be Soho. It’s right on her shirt. :man_shrugging:

I found him :smiley_cat::heart_eyes_cat::smile_cat:

Trisha be glad you got rid of the guy and his friends, they just made you unhappy and sad :heart: :heart: :heart_eyes:

Juist maar wie zijn wij om haar dat te doen geloven :wink:

Does he have a name yet, Or is he just a guest cat?
OK, found it He is

Cat - Tasja

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nice moggy

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hope that Trisha can continue without the friendship she still has pain when bathing or going to the toilet I wish her a speedy recovery we all stand by her you are a fighter keep it up :heart: :heart_eyes_cat:

hoffe dass Trisha es auch ohne den Freund schaft weiter zu machen sie hat beim baden oder Wc besuch immer noch Schmerzen ich wünsche ihr gute Besserung wir alle halten zu ihr du bist doch eine Kämpferin bleib so :sparkling_heart: :heart_decoration:

Why are you writing the same things twice just in a different language?

weil viele kein english verstehen

ich bin mir sicher, hier verstehen viel mehr leute englisch als du glaubst (abgesehen davon dass du dann auch beides in eine nachricht packen könntest …). außerdem gibt es einen eingebauten übersetzer
es ist allerdings viel schwer DICH zu verstehen. egal in welcher sprache… da hilft dann auch kein übersetzer mehr

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Ich verstehe beide. English und Deutsch. So das ist kein problem. Für mich. Ich kann nicht für alle Andere Sprechen. :slight_smile:

And what I do not understand I Translate. Such as French and Dutch. For instance. :hugs: :hugs:

It kind of looks like an eqvivalence to a mug shot. Sort of. :hugs:

I have no idea what sparked the I’ll Say “LOUD DISCUTION!” but it went on for quite a while. Didn’t help what the guy (a visitor I haven’t seen before) would be heading for the door then turn around to carry on with the “LOUD DISCUTION”. I’m mot 100% sure as of course I don’t understand the language but it seemed to me he just couldn’t leave it alone instead of just leaving. :man_shrugging:

Do not worry too much, Bandaids. It will calm down. Or rather it has already calmed down. I would not worry too much. Don`t worry - be happy. :hugs: :hugs:

Well I won’t be seeing anymore “DISCUTIONS” like that again for a while lol. Unless it’s on the free side. As I do since I 1st took a subscription to VHTV I take a break between subscriptions now and then. Plus this summer all working out I’ll be on a road trip for about 2 months Across Canada and the US. I did one the summer of 2019 as well but taking a different route(s) this time if the plan comes together.

Edited to add…1 day left on my subscription.

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Are you going to renew it again - or not? :hugs:

I’m sure I’ll renew, but probably not until the until the fall. But I’ll be looking in here…just to see the drama between those here on the forum :wink: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: