
New t-shirt! Hang in there, Trisha :hugs:

How long has she been back online? I thought she was off all day.


Logged of after this post yesterday, so sorry about not answering your question. On the othe hand, I didnā€™t know the answer, so it wouldnā€™t have mattered anyway. Maybe I can help another time, and vice versa :smiley:

I try to imagine her without all that ghastly ink :roll_eyes:

Hard to imagine eh so donā€™t be that shocked :laughing:

Ik kan je volgen , is inderdaad afschuwelijk

Trisha looks like this without tattoosā€¦ :wink:


With or withoutā€¦itā€™s Trisha :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Iā€™m not a tattoo fan either, but I only know Trisha WITH tattoos and I liked her the first time I saw her. So her tattoos donā€™t bother me. It would probably be different if she had had them done later. :wink:

Oh yes that is much more feminine and beautiful :heart_eyes:

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I considered that, but feared the amount of work involved to maintain the curves and shading correctly, beautiful job!

Why desecrate such a lovely body beats me :roll_eyes:

Took 5 minutesā€¦ :wink:

I suspect that may be a good point :smiley:

Personally Iā€™m indifferent to tattoos, although I admit that may have something to do with what I quote from you in this post :joy:

I am sure that each tattoo has a personal meaning for her, as is normal for anyone that has one.

She looks nice without the tattoos too. I think. :slight_smile: :heart_eyes: :hugs:

Ultimately, everyone has to decide for themselves. Maybe sheā€™ll regret it in a few years. Maybe notā€¦

I like Trisha all the sameā€¦ :heart:

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Would take her longer than 5mins to get rid of them if she was even able to :roll_eyes:

Oh dear, the hazardā€™s of nude cooking :yum:

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